Monday, April 30, 2012


I check my wishlist periodically to see if the item I want ever goes on sale. Although, most of the time, it's more of a reminder for myself when shopping at other sites.

Bleach: Soul Resurrection for PS3 is on for $29.99!

I've been trying to hold off on this one in hope of getting a Japanese copy for the on-screen text. But since the game can be played with Japanese audio, and the price is right, I decided to make the plunge.

But the main point of this post is actually not Bleach: SR. It's Mononoke Hime!

It's my all-time favourite Ghibli film and I absolutely love it. It's also my first ever anime (albeit rather mainstream considering it's Ghibli) purchase when it came out in North America.

It's on for $5 now, merely a quarter of what I paid for mine!

So I ordered it with the Bleach game since it wouldn't qualify for free shipping on its own. XD

Except for series that's later released in Blu-ray when I already got the DVD, I don't buy multiple copies of the same series. I decided to make Mononoke Hime my first because I like it so much.

Now I have a copy for watching and a copy for collection. I don't think I need a third copy for spreading the goodness of this film. Everyone should have watching this film on their bucket list!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

From Germany With Love

A postal notice lay quietly in my mailbox when I got home yesterday. I went over the number of open orders in my head, wondering which one this could be.

It's the one from Germany! It even beat another Canadian order made on the same day! XD

In case you're wondering what the item is, it's the 1st volume of Musketeer Rough drama CD, based on the light novel of the same title. I heard a sample clip of the drama CD many years ago and thought it was interesting, even though I only knew two of the main cast at that time.

Kobayashi Sanae is a great fit for a tomboyish girl disguising as a teenage boy. The cast for the Three Musketeer is most excellent with Koyasu Takehito, Ishida Akira, and Suzumura Kenichi. Other key characters include a key rival played by Sakurai Takahiro, the queen played by Tanaka Rie, and the Cardinal played by Kosugi Juurouta. Even Madao Tachiki Fumihiko plays a role, too. XD I'm slightly disappointed that Ishida-san isn't the lead male, but Koyasu-san is just as good.

I might look around for the novels, but it's an older series so it might be a bit difficult.

I'm sure there are many other items I can find on Amazon Market (.com has much better selection and prices than .ca, btw), but maybe I should also try eBay sometimes.....

Did I just dig myself a bigger hole? XD

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Just finished watching the drama series Strawberry Night. Being the that I am, naturally I was paying more attention on the pairing situation than the story and cases. But except for actual romance series, concrete pairing gestures very rarely appear in Japanese drama. Upon recalling this, I almost gave up the series after 5 episodes...

But the drama itself isn't my topic today, but the BGM. Since the first episode, I noticed the music more than anything. Some tracks reminded me of Sawano Hiroyuki, yet not distinct enough to be him. I usually don't pay attention to the staff in Japanese drama series, mainly because I most likely wouldn't recognize anyone, so I only noticed the name of the music composer at the end of the last episode. Hayashi Yuuki.

I blinked when I saw the name. I've seen it before! It took me half a second to remember from where: he's one of the three composers for BOSS, with Sawano Hiroyuki!

A quick look up on Wikipedia told me that they also worked together on another Japanese drama series Triangular, Hayashi's debut work, in the same year before they worked on BOSS, and Sawano is listed as the first composer for both series. No doubt Hayashi learned from Sawano during these times, which might explain some of the similarities of his music to Sawano's.

I don't watch enough Japanese drama to be able to familiarize myself with the composers, but I look forward to hear more of Hayashi's works~

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Jobs well done

After a three-hour adventure going through the Crystal Tower and World of Darkness, I finished Final Fantasy III DS last night!

I was slightly on my toes when fighting the final boss Cloud of Darkness, since a lose would mean another three hours because FF III only allows for saving on the world field map. But CoD wasn't as tough as I imagined, and I beat her without a problem. Three of my characters also advanced a level after the battle, though it didn't matter anymore at this point. XD

Having finally play the game myself and actually be able to understand the story and conversations (the Famicom version was played together with my brother, and neither of us understood Japanese), I can say III is definitely up there in the top three FF series for me.

The plot, which stays the same as the FC version, is very typical RPG: chosen ones to save the world that's about to be devoured by Void. There's little character development (although I was slightly surprised by the many character deaths), and some of the game mechanics can only be found in old school RPGs. But the meat of the game, the job system, makes it extremely interesting and versatile for ppl of all play styles. With a bit of thinking through and planning, level grind isn't required to win. (read: I'm too lazy to level grind.)

As previously mentioned, the DS version gives the four player characters more background and personality, which makes it easier to get into the story. Each has their own costume for each job, which is a nice touch, but I really miss the iconic 8-bit black mage. How the character looks in particular job costume also partially determined who I pick for the jobs, even if it didn't make the best sense sometimes, as can be seen in the resumes of my characters. XD

Luneth Lv.57 (56 into CoD): Freelancer→Red Mage→Dragoon
- Freelancer lv.18
- Red Mage lv.48
- Dragoon lv.99

Luneth had a pretty smooth career, although it's a shame his face was hidden 90% of the game by the Red Mage hat and the Dragoon mask. Blood lance may not be very powerful compared to a few other lances, but Luneth didn't need much extra healing because of it.

Arc Lv.57 (56 into CoD): Freelancer→White Mage→Scholar→White Mage→Ninja→Devout
- Freelancer lv.13
- White Mage lv.97
- Scholar lv.12
- Ninja lv.47
- Devout lv.57

Arc became the designated healer once I got the first crystal jobs because of his meek personality. He only put on the Scholar hat for the Hein castle segment. When I got the last crystal jobs, the logical choice would be to make him a Devout. But Ingus looked kinda hilarious as a Ninja, so I forced the healer into the Ninja role, only to change him into a Devout during the Ancient Maze.

Refia Lv.57: Freelancer→Red Mage→Thief→Red Mage
- Freelancer lv.12
- Red Mage lv.99
- Thief lv.43
- Viking lv.4

Yes, I have a Red Mage that most ppl ditch after getting the 2nd crystal jobs as a final party member, in the front row whacking away with Excalibur, no less! She kinda stopped casting magic shortly before the last crystal jobs, but I really love the Red Mage costume so I kept her in it.XD I had her as a Thief because of the locked doors in the Goldor mansion, but the low defence made me switch job after getting annihilated numerous times by Garuda. I tried Viking and still didn't work. I changed back to Red Mage and beat Garuda in one try. She was also the only person standing at the end of the Odin battle, and one of two at the end of another boss fight, so her level is one higher than the other three.

Ingus Lv.57 (56 into CoD): Freelancer→Warrior→Knight→Dragoon→Knight→Devout→Knight
- Freelancer lv.12
- Warrior lv.29
- Knight lv.99
- Dragoon lv.7
- Devout lv.41

Ingus was supposedly a knight to start with, so he was the natural Warrior/Knight. I changed him into a Dragoon during the Garuda fiasco and back to Knight afterwards. When I got the last crystal jobs, I really wanted to have a Ninja (not realizing the job was re-balanced for the DS version, so it's no longer the most powerful job), but Arc resembled the FC version of Ninja, so Ingus became a Devout. During the Ancient Maze, the Ninja's low defence (even in the back row) was showing, so I reshuffled jobs and he was back being a Knight again.

The Onion Knight job was changed to Wi-Fi side quest only for the DS version, so I never got to see it since I don't do Wi-Fi on my DS. :(

Play time was about 40 hours, plus the time I spent wrestling with Garuda and one re-match with Bahamut. I definitely recommend FF III DS for any RPG fan! I'd even replay it with different jobs if I didn't have so many other games waiting in queue...

Friday, April 06, 2012

Animelo Summer​ Live 2011 - r​ainbow - ダイジェス​ト part.2

ヒカリ & COSMIC LOVE(ロザリオとバンパイア OP) メドレー / 堀江由衣、水樹奈々
- 這兩隻一起出演的威力不容忽視,如果再加上田村就是17歳教御三家了吧www

STRAIGHT JET / 栗林みな実(IS 〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉 OP)
- 栗子也是現場安定的實力派~ 什麼時候再來AX啊 XD

翼はPleasure Line / 栗林みな実、黒崎真音
- 栗子的代表性神曲之一!去年AX的黒崎真音演唱會我沒去,歌唱力應該是不差,不過音質上跟栗子差很多,聽起來有落差感

Magic∞world / 黒崎真音(とある魔術の禁書目録II ED)
- 禁書沒看所以歌是初次聽,還不錯,不過目前還是聽不出黒崎真音的聲音

オルフェ / 宮野真守(うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ マジLOVE1000% OP)
- 好像沒看過宮野現場演出過,原來這首是這麼燃的歌嗎www 不過果然是安定的歌唱力~

SHOOT! / RO-KYU-BU!(ロウきゅーぶ! OP)
- 果然大家的焦點都放在日笠的膝,不過這場有彎下去喔~XD

正解はひとつ!じゃない!! / ミルキィホームズ(テレビアニメ 探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ OP)
- 不知道為何似乎人氣很高,但是我沒興趣

Hacking to the Gate / いとうかなこ+志倉千代丸(テレビアニメ Steins;Gate OP)
- 之前Niconico上看過這對在新加坡動畫祭典的現場表演,也是很安定的演出。社長的電吉他solo不錯

刻司ル十二ノ盟約 / ファンタズム(FES cv.榊原ゆい)(テレビアニメ Steins;Gate ED)
- 榊原比較多出沒於裏業界,所以我對她不熟,不過歌唱力很不錯。雖然FES並沒有實際在SG裡出現,還是忠實地cosplay成FES演出

裏切りの夕焼け / 谷山紀章、宮野真守(デュラララ!! OP)
- 這部我還沒看orz 第一次看這兩隻合演,意外地合拍~

インモラリスト / 堀江由衣(ドラゴンクライシス! OP)
- 這首完整版其實是有點難度的歌,不過堀江唱得不錯。戴了短髮的假髮,看上去更17歳了www

不完全燃焼 / 石川智晶(神様ドォルズ OP)
- 其實是蠻燃的歌,燃燒不起來的是動畫… 石川也是實力派的歌手,現場依然是歌喉唱出CD音源

レスキューファイアー / JAM Project
- 實際上順序不是這樣,不過放送起來就變成不完全燃燒之後接有噴火的救火歌www JAM超熱血啊~ XD

Os-宇宙人 / エリオをかまってちゃん(電波女と青春男 OP)
- 大亀應該是故意唱爛,不過這首真的很電波,不管裡面的人是否包在棉被裡都一樣

SUPERNOVA / GRANRODEO(アニソンぷらす 2011年4月期 ED)
- GRANRODEO的歌我沒聽過很多,不過果然是很安定的熱血系~

I'll believe / ALTIMA(灼眼のシャナIII(Final) ED)
- 這首很棒,不久前衝夏娜時常常聽。我都忘記ALTIMA是黒崎真音+motsu,其實我還是有聽一些黒崎真音嘛~XD 不過最謎的是後面穿著夏娜制服cosplay的舞者群…

ETERNAL BLAZE / 水樹奈々、遠藤正明
- 毫無違和感的夢幻組合!遠藤之前在ENSON裡唱這首的時候就覺得意外地配,實際合演起來超讚!連某猫看了都心癢想點唱這首 XD

UNBREAKABLE / 水樹奈々(アンチェインブレイズ レクス OP)
- 沒聽過的歌,但是非常帥氣!遊戲我也想玩~ XD

rainbow / 出演者全員(Kalafinaを除く)


今年的Animelo沒有JAM Project跟水樹奈々這兩組超重量級基石,大家都覺得有點不安,不少人因此今年不打算去的樣子。水樹奈々是撞上全國巡迴演唱沒辦法參與排練,JAM Project則是想讓新人接續Animelo的擔子,還有休養中停止出演的ELISA。一次少掉這麼多熱血系跟抒情系實力派,希望不會到時候都是用電波跟萌系歌手代替。

Animelo Summer​ Live 2011 - r​ainbow - ダイジェス​ト part.1

Niconico很親切地放送了三小時濃縮版的Animelo Summer Live 2011,高級會員萬歳~XD

Freedom Dreamer & 惑星のランデブー メドレー/ 田村ゆかり、茅原実里
- 兩首我都沒聽過,不過第二首很田村的感覺。茅原的歌聲我一直無法習慣,最近覺得其實田村還不錯,不過我是不會變成王國民的 XD

もしも君が願うのなら / May'n(戦場のヴァルキュリア3 主題歌)
- 部長果然是超安定地歌喉唱出CD音源。我想玩戰場3啊~~

侵略ノススメ☆ / ULTRA-PRISM(侵略!イカ娘 OP)
- 有點吵的電波歌,歌曲跟唱者都是我沒興趣的類型でゲソ

ゆりゆららららゆるゆり大事件 / 七森中☆ごらく部(ゆるゆり OP)
- 對我來説比上一首更沒興趣的東西,連動畫都沒看…

GO MY WAY!! / アイドルマスター(THE IDOLM@STER 挿入歌)
- 嗯,同上。 XD

エウレカベイビー / 麻生夏子(バカとテストと召喚獣にっ! ED)
- 雖然是我雷達外的歌手,其實歌唱力似乎還不錯,只是有點電波,對應的動畫又很多是我沒看的

ヒャダインのカカカタ☆カタオモイ-C(日常 OP) & ヒャダインのじょーじょーゆーじょー(日常 OP)メドレー/ ヒャダイン feat.佐咲紗花
- 沒看過日常,不過歌之前在Niconico上看佐咲紗花現場演唱跟ヒャダイン合演時聽過。這兩個人還蠻適合現場演出,尤其是配上這麼歡樂的歌 XD

Zzz / 佐咲紗花(日常 ED)
- 第一次聽這首歌,佐咲果然也是很安定的歌手~

Last vision for last / 飛蘭(百花繚乱 サムライガールズ OP)
- 沒聽過的歌,還不錯。飛蘭的歌對我來説是hit and miss,歌聲普通,不過是算比較少見的沙啞低音女歌手,也因此不太適合唱cover就是

God only knows〜集積回路の夢旅人 / ELISA(神のみぞ知るセカイ OP)
- 第一次聽,居然是全6幕的神劇曲,以動畫歌曲來説根本就壯大過頭了,但是非常讚!!ELISA最高!趕快養好身體復出啊~

熱帯夜Girls / 奥井雅美、飛蘭、麻生夏子
- 很有趣的組合,第一次聽麻生唱非電波的歌。奥井雅美依然美好~

CLIMBER×CLIMBER / BREAKERZ(カードファイト!! ヴァンガード CMソング)
- 第一次聽DAIGO的歌,感覺上還很難説,不過很會炒熱現場氣氛,看留言似乎還蠻有人氣

Heaven is a Place on Earth / fripSide(劇場版 ハヤテのごとく! HEAVEN IS A PLACE ON EARTH 主題歌)
- 沒聽過的歌,還不錯。對fripSide完全不熟,感覺一般

マジンガーZ / 水木一郎(マジンガーZ OP)
- 兄貴~~~~~ 完全看不出有60幾歳 XD

Z伝説 〜終わりなき革命〜 / ももいろクローバーZ、水木一郎(東京ジョイポリス CMソング)
- 整首我只覺得立木文彦的存在感很強,然後兄貴的無駄遣www 超微妙的五色偶像不用在意

Butter-Fly / 影山ヒロノブ、May'n(デジモンアドベンチャー OP)
- 長老跟部長的組合讚! XD

TERMINATED / 茅原実里(境界線上のホライゾン OP)
- 茅原唱燃一點的歌我的接受度比較高,雖然比地音高一點的音,聽起來還是像在扯喉嚨…

Endless Story / 田村ゆかり(C3 -シーキューブ- OP)
- 不愧是訓練有素的王國民,整首歌滿滿的粉色彈幕www 話説我就是聽了C3這首,覺得其實田村唱歌還不錯。有機會看能不能找到田村的なのは歌來聽

MAXON / JAM Project(スーパーロボット大戦OG ジ・インスペクター OP)
- JAM的歌則是滿滿的紅色彈幕~XD 動畫歌祭典果然還是需要JAM的熱血系!

GONG〜SKILL / JAM Project、水樹奈々
- 雖然奈々只有SKILL的最後一段secret guest出場,但這是超級夢幻組合啊!(打滾~~~ 
今年兩組都不會參加,感覺像殘缺的Animelo啊~ T__T

rainbow / 出演者全員(BREAKERZ、ももいろクローバーZを除く)
- Animelo 2011的主題曲,輪流唱的時候真的能聽出哪些人唱得比較好