Monday, April 24, 2006

Coordinator, front USB online! XD

I was appalled to find Coordinator off when I returned from church this afternoon. My initial guess was a power outage, but considering that the two desktops were the only victims, it was likely a power surge. I never turn off the computers, so I took this rare chance to vacuum the inside. It's been nearly a year since it was cleaned, anyway.

While I was at it, I decided to try getting the front USB connected again. After much flipping the motherboard user's guide and searching online, I ventured into the unknown. The fact that the connectors came unlabelled and separated only added to the confusion. With some beginner's luck, I was able to get the connectors lined up correctly. It was difficult to describe my feeling and sense of pride when the USB mouse cursor moved across the screen while connected to the front port. Hey, I am no tech, so opening up the case and getting something to work without screwing up is always a big accomplishment for me.

Having carried out this exploit successfully, I moved on to New Type with more confidence and a bit more experience under my belt... Only to find that the connectors were already on. Apparently, I only disconnected the ones in Coordinator back then because of the location of the pins. Feeling annoyed and a little foolish, I went to grab the motherboard user's guide just to make sure. In the bag was, lo and behold, a USB bracket with connectors! To mend my wounded ego, I immediately got to work on putting it in. Needless to say, I was feeling satisfied once more when New Type recognised the USB key I plugged into the new ports. The front ones still didn't work, however. I think the connectors might have gotten loose during that HD swapping incident way back, but I was too irritated to open it up again for inspection. It'll have to wait until next time (read: unforeseeable future).

Today's score:
Coordinator - 6 USB (4 rear, 2 front)
New Type - 4 USB (4 rear)

PS. There was another power surge while I was typing this post, which earned a "damn it!" from me. Luckily, I was only in the middle of the second paragraph (not counting the first line) and still remembered mostly everything.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

拜網友貓的指教, 昨晚順利地下了彩雲國物語第一、二話, 而且是中文字幕(!)。這部是一聽說要動畫化就決定要追的。故事背景跟人設暫且不提, 桑島法子+関智一就夠說服我了(當初絢爛舞踏祭就是這樣), 梁邦彥的音樂也是一大賣點(第一話裡有段插入音樂跟偲芳歌超級像的)。小說大概是無緣拜讀, drama CD 可能要找找看。

沒記錯的話, 秀麗會去別的州當州牧, 然後又捲進某些陰謀, 看來跟劉輝結連理的時候還遙遙無期啊。小說還沒完結, 不知道動畫會發展到哪裡。話說回來, 靜蘭該不會其實是劉輝的哥哥吧? 雖然入紅家的時間早於八年前的政亂, 可是好像也沒交代說那個失蹤的繼承人是什麼時候不見的。靜蘭的姓的發音也是紫(し), 常常在暗處看著劉輝, 好幾個人聽到他的名字的時候也有反應... 如果是真的就有好戲可看了, 想要回王位的時候順便要了妃子, 然後看兩個人搶秀麗。(不負責妄想) XD

--跳 topic 分隔線--

昨天在從圖書館回家的路上, 經過一大片在施工的空地, 靠近路邊的地方插了一塊牌子寫「SURREY AUTOMALL」, 結果第一眼看到的是 AUTOMAIL... 前天剛看完鋼鍊咩 XP

Thursday, April 20, 2006




Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Keyboard mission complete! XD

I accidentally spilled some milk (read: half cup) on the keyboard a few days ago and the "a" key stopped responding right away. Devastated, I hung the keyboard dry on the floor and used the back-up keyboard I got last year (what foresight...). Since it's hard to say if the "a" key will work again or not, I decided to clean the whole thing, which I've been meaning to do for a long time now.

As expected, the inside of the keyboard was a sight to behold, in a bad way. There wasn't enough scrap to fill a plate, but I almost had second thought and considered chucking it instead. Though, fortunately, it wasn't as bad as it looked, and I was able to restore it to a presentable state in less than ten minutes.

The fun part of the thing was, of course, taking the keys out and putting them back in. I had a bit of trouble popping the keys back because I forgot to take a picture of it before, but I figured it out at the end with some lucky guesses. Why didn't I just look at the other keyboards in the house, you ask? For some reason, all the keyboards have different symbols for their symbol keys (each of the symbol key has four symbols for this keyboard), and that's where I had the problem.

Anyhow, I'm glad that the keyboard is back now. Not that there was anything wrong with the back-up keyboard, but I like the key layout and the feel better on this one. For someone who has the tendency to just type away when given the chance, a good and comfortable keyboard is essential. This explains why it took me much trying out to get a keyboard but only seconds to choose a mouse...

Ah, my cute little clean keyboard. We have much to catch up. And I'll remember not to bring any open beverage too close to you again... Try to, anyway. XD