Sunday, October 30, 2005

Due to posts by D & L on the moztw forum, I switched to Traditional Chinese mode and logged back into KK this afternoon. Of course, I didn't remember a thing on the commands and just wanted to make sure all my chars were still registered. Then in an act of boredom, I started fingering IDs. To my surprise, "shiba" was freed up (though "sheltie" was taken. I should had re-registered it after it was deleted from inactivity...) After deciding on a name for it, I logged in again after the server rebooted and got the ID.

Including Shiba, I have 10 active (a.k.a. surviving) chars. I like to create and build up different characters, but because of this, none of my chars ever got a job change... There is a reason why I always call Saluki the "eternal hero priestess." orz

Anyhow, training Shiba for an hour and a half was travelling down the memory lane for me. Though because it used to be someone else's ID, I didn't call out for help on the chat channel for eq. Needless to say, I spent most of my time in the sewer under the bar killing rats...

When will the next time be? Don't know. Probably sometime in the distant future. I don't see myself switching to Traditional Chinese mode unless I really really really want to (and have the time to) play KK. So until next time, please take care of yourselves and don't get deleted, my cute little chars. XP

Friday, October 28, 2005

Just changed the name of the writing blog from "Geschichten der Phantasie" (Stories of Fantasy) to "Sora o Yume Miru" (そらを夢見る). Originally, I wanted to use "Tales of Phantasia" or "Tales of Legendia", but alas, those are actual names of video games so I had to give up on the idea. I chose German because I like to use big words... in a foreign language that I don't know XP. No, it's really because it was one of the available languages on the Google Translate page that looked cool after the translation of "story of fantasy" or "story of legend." However, I haven't been completely satisfied with the choice and kept wanting to change it.

Why "Sora o Yume Miru"? While I was trying to finalise the name just now, my cute little Winamp played「奇跡の海」from ロードス島戦記, and I was once again visualising the vast and open world of wonders and exciting adventures. In here, そら is used for sky, space, and the universe. I love to write, whether it's fiction, fan-fiction, non-fiction, or just dabble.

So it's decided! Thou shall be "Sora o Yume Miru," and the theme song shall be「奇跡の海」XD

When will the blog actually be online? I'm shooting for next year. *flee* Patience is a virtue. ( ̄ー ̄)

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Gundam SEED Festival 12-27-2003 Part.2

Part.2 的聲優演出是田中理恵跟保志総一朗。ラクス的部份主要是在親眼目睹於戰爭中失去親友之人的悲痛及仇恨, 親身經歷無可奈何但不得不戰的感受之後, 對戰爭本身和身邊參戰者的看法和吶喊。老實說, 我覺得她會跟キラ是因為他在這片名為戰爭的混沌中找到了自己的定位跟道路, 同時帶來對未來的希望和盼望。與其說他們是戀人(官方說法卻下!), 倒不如說他們是總指揮官跟副指揮官的關係, 一方指引道路及方向, 另一方則全心全力跟隨。キラ的部份跟カガリ有點類似, 也是對「敵人」感到質疑, 但是成長後的他發覺人心中真正想要的是「幸福」, 因此即使不明白, 他們會繼續走下去。

西川貴教的「meteor」我一直就很喜歡, 演唱的時候也很配合歌曲形象。玉置成実的「realize」仍然是活力十足地又跳又唱, 果然是可愛的小女孩。ラクス的「水の証」還是不及平時水準, 但是跟之前的「静かな夜に」比起來要好一些。不愧是田中, 咬字超級清楚, 這也是為什麼我有辦法跟著唱ラクス的歌。中島美嘉的「FIND THE WAY」跟原作好像差不多, 不過她唱歌時的手勢實在不好看。說到這個, 南里侑香也有一點, 不過沒那麼礙眼, 田中理恵就完全沒這個問題。

祭典最後是參加的聲優及歌手介紹和每個人對觀眾的幾句話。果然大家講的話都很符合他們的個性, 田中理惠還一副快感動到哭出來的樣子(T__T)。徐若暄唱歌的時候還聽不太出來, 可是講話的時候就很明顯的有口音。很遺憾擔任司儀的置鮎龍太郎始終都沒有露面。最後, 西川貴教的「Invoke」為 Gundam SEED Festival 做了終結。他果然還是很習慣/喜歡這種 live 場面哪。