Ok, I wasn't planning to update until Jan. 1 because I wanted a fresh start (again), but I think this calls for at least an archival for myself. What is it? Well, I'm sick. What's the big deal? Every one gets sick. Yes, that's true, but I usually get majorly sick once a year, and this happens to be it.
Let's start from the beginning, shall we? Cold symptoms started to show about a week or so before Christmas, but nothing too bad. A few sneezes and a sore throat. The symptoms died down although I never fully recovered, and then I was hit with a second wave about two days ago. It was still ok then, with a sorer throat as the only indication. But it got worse as the day went on, and headaches and drowsiness joined in as well. I had to take off early yesterday and went home to SLEEP. Whenever I sleep over ten hours or in the afternoon, you know there is something REALLY wrong, as I think sleep is a waste of time and usually only sleep enough to keep me going. Anyway, this morning when I woke up, it hurt to talk. As a result, I had to call in sick; my first time in over two years I've worked there. After going back to get some more sleep, hopefully it'd go away, I opened my eyes and realised now I've almost lost my voice. So that's where the situation stands right now.
I've often heard of other people changing their living habits after a major sickness to stay healthy. Hopefully, this will be enough warning to at least convince me to sleep 7-8 hours every day. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Due to posts by D & L on the moztw forum, I switched to Traditional Chinese mode and logged back into KK this afternoon. Of course, I didn't remember a thing on the commands and just wanted to make sure all my chars were still registered. Then in an act of boredom, I started fingering IDs. To my surprise, "shiba" was freed up (though "sheltie" was taken. I should had re-registered it after it was deleted from inactivity...) After deciding on a name for it, I logged in again after the server rebooted and got the ID.
Including Shiba, I have 10 active (a.k.a. surviving) chars. I like to create and build up different characters, but because of this, none of my chars ever got a job change... There is a reason why I always call Saluki the "eternal hero priestess." orz
Anyhow, training Shiba for an hour and a half was travelling down the memory lane for me. Though because it used to be someone else's ID, I didn't call out for help on the chat channel for eq. Needless to say, I spent most of my time in the sewer under the bar killing rats...
When will the next time be? Don't know. Probably sometime in the distant future. I don't see myself switching to Traditional Chinese mode unless I really really really want to (and have the time to) play KK. So until next time, please take care of yourselves and don't get deleted, my cute little chars. XP
Including Shiba, I have 10 active (a.k.a. surviving) chars. I like to create and build up different characters, but because of this, none of my chars ever got a job change... There is a reason why I always call Saluki the "eternal hero priestess." orz
Anyhow, training Shiba for an hour and a half was travelling down the memory lane for me. Though because it used to be someone else's ID, I didn't call out for help on the chat channel for eq. Needless to say, I spent most of my time in the sewer under the bar killing rats...
When will the next time be? Don't know. Probably sometime in the distant future. I don't see myself switching to Traditional Chinese mode unless I really really really want to (and have the time to) play KK. So until next time, please take care of yourselves and don't get deleted, my cute little chars. XP
Friday, October 28, 2005
Just changed the name of the writing blog from "Geschichten der Phantasie" (Stories of Fantasy) to "Sora o Yume Miru" (そらを夢見る). Originally, I wanted to use "Tales of Phantasia" or "Tales of Legendia", but alas, those are actual names of video games so I had to give up on the idea. I chose German because I like to use big words... in a foreign language that I don't know XP. No, it's really because it was one of the available languages on the Google Translate page that looked cool after the translation of "story of fantasy" or "story of legend." However, I haven't been completely satisfied with the choice and kept wanting to change it.
Why "Sora o Yume Miru"? While I was trying to finalise the name just now, my cute little Winamp played「奇跡の海」from ロードス島戦記, and I was once again visualising the vast and open world of wonders and exciting adventures. In here, そら is used for sky, space, and the universe. I love to write, whether it's fiction, fan-fiction, non-fiction, or just dabble.
So it's decided! Thou shall be "Sora o Yume Miru," and the theme song shall be「奇跡の海」XD
When will the blog actually be online? I'm shooting for next year. *flee* Patience is a virtue. ( ̄ー ̄)
Why "Sora o Yume Miru"? While I was trying to finalise the name just now, my cute little Winamp played「奇跡の海」from ロードス島戦記, and I was once again visualising the vast and open world of wonders and exciting adventures. In here, そら is used for sky, space, and the universe. I love to write, whether it's fiction, fan-fiction, non-fiction, or just dabble.
So it's decided! Thou shall be "Sora o Yume Miru," and the theme song shall be「奇跡の海」XD
When will the blog actually be online? I'm shooting for next year. *flee* Patience is a virtue. ( ̄ー ̄)
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Gundam SEED Festival 12-27-2003 Part.2
Part.2 的聲優演出是田中理恵跟保志総一朗。ラクス的部份主要是在親眼目睹於戰爭中失去親友之人的悲痛及仇恨, 親身經歷無可奈何但不得不戰的感受之後, 對戰爭本身和身邊參戰者的看法和吶喊。老實說, 我覺得她會跟キラ是因為他在這片名為戰爭的混沌中找到了自己的定位跟道路, 同時帶來對未來的希望和盼望。與其說他們是戀人(官方說法卻下!), 倒不如說他們是總指揮官跟副指揮官的關係, 一方指引道路及方向, 另一方則全心全力跟隨。キラ的部份跟カガリ有點類似, 也是對「敵人」感到質疑, 但是成長後的他發覺人心中真正想要的是「幸福」, 因此即使不明白, 他們會繼續走下去。
西川貴教的「meteor」我一直就很喜歡, 演唱的時候也很配合歌曲形象。玉置成実的「realize」仍然是活力十足地又跳又唱, 果然是可愛的小女孩。ラクス的「水の証」還是不及平時水準, 但是跟之前的「静かな夜に」比起來要好一些。不愧是田中, 咬字超級清楚, 這也是為什麼我有辦法跟著唱ラクス的歌。中島美嘉的「FIND THE WAY」跟原作好像差不多, 不過她唱歌時的手勢實在不好看。說到這個, 南里侑香也有一點, 不過沒那麼礙眼, 田中理恵就完全沒這個問題。
祭典最後是參加的聲優及歌手介紹和每個人對觀眾的幾句話。果然大家講的話都很符合他們的個性, 田中理惠還一副快感動到哭出來的樣子(T__T)。徐若暄唱歌的時候還聽不太出來, 可是講話的時候就很明顯的有口音。很遺憾擔任司儀的置鮎龍太郎始終都沒有露面。最後, 西川貴教的「Invoke」為 Gundam SEED Festival 做了終結。他果然還是很習慣/喜歡這種 live 場面哪。
Part.2 的聲優演出是田中理恵跟保志総一朗。ラクス的部份主要是在親眼目睹於戰爭中失去親友之人的悲痛及仇恨, 親身經歷無可奈何但不得不戰的感受之後, 對戰爭本身和身邊參戰者的看法和吶喊。老實說, 我覺得她會跟キラ是因為他在這片名為戰爭的混沌中找到了自己的定位跟道路, 同時帶來對未來的希望和盼望。與其說他們是戀人(官方說法卻下!), 倒不如說他們是總指揮官跟副指揮官的關係, 一方指引道路及方向, 另一方則全心全力跟隨。キラ的部份跟カガリ有點類似, 也是對「敵人」感到質疑, 但是成長後的他發覺人心中真正想要的是「幸福」, 因此即使不明白, 他們會繼續走下去。
西川貴教的「meteor」我一直就很喜歡, 演唱的時候也很配合歌曲形象。玉置成実的「realize」仍然是活力十足地又跳又唱, 果然是可愛的小女孩。ラクス的「水の証」還是不及平時水準, 但是跟之前的「静かな夜に」比起來要好一些。不愧是田中, 咬字超級清楚, 這也是為什麼我有辦法跟著唱ラクス的歌。中島美嘉的「FIND THE WAY」跟原作好像差不多, 不過她唱歌時的手勢實在不好看。說到這個, 南里侑香也有一點, 不過沒那麼礙眼, 田中理恵就完全沒這個問題。
祭典最後是參加的聲優及歌手介紹和每個人對觀眾的幾句話。果然大家講的話都很符合他們的個性, 田中理惠還一副快感動到哭出來的樣子(T__T)。徐若暄唱歌的時候還聽不太出來, 可是講話的時候就很明顯的有口音。很遺憾擔任司儀的置鮎龍太郎始終都沒有露面。最後, 西川貴教的「Invoke」為 Gundam SEED Festival 做了終結。他果然還是很習慣/喜歡這種 live 場面哪。
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Gundam SEED Festival 12-27-2003 Part.1
這種祭典之類的都是在日本舉行, 沒想到居然有錄影, 馬上很高興地抓了。這個祭主要是主題曲(OP, ED, 插入曲)演唱跟四個主角的內心獨白, 特別來賓在表演者方面是 T.M.Revolution、ラクス・クライン(XD)、Vivian or Kazuma、FictionJunction featuring YUUKA、玉置成実、中島美嘉, 聲優方面是石田彰、進藤尚美、保志総一朗、田中理恵, 還有最後擔任來賓介紹司儀的置鮎龍太郎。很遺憾沒有桑島法子。
西川貴教以「Invoke」打頭陣, 演出一如往常, 很 flashy 地將氣氛炒起來, 他似乎也很樂在其中, 應該是很習慣這種場面了吧。田中理恵打扮的蠻符合ラクス當歌姬時的形象, 不過不知道是不是太緊張了, 唱「静かな夜に」時頻頻走音。其實很多聲優都會這樣, 平常都不用露面, 在很多人面前反而沒辦法全力演出吧? 她唱完的時候還深深地鞠躬, 真是惹人憐啊。徐若暄我是第一次看到, 老實說我覺得還好, 不過還有點健康少女型就是。唱歌的時候聽不太出來, 不過偶爾會在奇怪的地方換氣, 拍子有時候會跟不太上, 畢竟不是歌手的關係嗎? 搭肩在 Kazuma 身邊跳舞的時候超級像我們店的之前的 receiver 的說。南里侑香的「暁の車」還是那麼感人, 梶浦由記也依然非常投入地在彈奏, 聽起來幾乎跟CD一樣。話說回來, 南里侑香是歌手吧? 怎麼印象中有在某些作品的 credit 看過她的名字; 挑戰聲優嗎? 另外也放了 See-Saw 的「あんなに一緒だったのに」MTV。雖然以前就在網站上看過, 不過果然還是配動畫場景或 ED 的捲軸比較好啊 orz。玉置成実則不負眾望(?)又唱又跳地演出「Believe」。她笑著跳舞的時候也很像我們店的前 receiver 耶。不過不愧是受過專業訓練的歌手, 從頭到尾都在跳居然還能唱出那種聲音, 真是厲害啊。
Part.1 的聲優演出是石田彰跟進藤尚美。アスラン的部份主要是專注於希望能儘快結束戰爭和因此必須在戰場上跟摯友敵對的心情。寫這篇的時候正好在放 SEED Suits CD 的「トリィ」, 聽著兩人訴說過去的回憶, 尤其是アスラン篇, 更是貼切啊。說到這個, 以前用 Google 查 sanopup 的時候, 有一則是別人的 blog(現在已經不在了), 裡頭 quote 了我很久以前在 Gundam.com 的 SEED thread 寫的一篇, 提到アスラン一直一個人躇足不前, 在血的情人節事件後更是, 不像キラ繼續向前進又交了新朋友, 所以對キラ特別 hung up。カガリ的部份主要是與キラ及アスラン的相遇和對「敵人」的看法動搖。進藤尚美的樣子我也是第一次看到, 跟カガリ的形象有點類似呢。BTW, George Glen 那一段好像也是石田彰配。
這種祭典之類的都是在日本舉行, 沒想到居然有錄影, 馬上很高興地抓了。這個祭主要是主題曲(OP, ED, 插入曲)演唱跟四個主角的內心獨白, 特別來賓在表演者方面是 T.M.Revolution、ラクス・クライン(XD)、Vivian or Kazuma、FictionJunction featuring YUUKA、玉置成実、中島美嘉, 聲優方面是石田彰、進藤尚美、保志総一朗、田中理恵, 還有最後擔任來賓介紹司儀的置鮎龍太郎。很遺憾沒有桑島法子。
西川貴教以「Invoke」打頭陣, 演出一如往常, 很 flashy 地將氣氛炒起來, 他似乎也很樂在其中, 應該是很習慣這種場面了吧。田中理恵打扮的蠻符合ラクス當歌姬時的形象, 不過不知道是不是太緊張了, 唱「静かな夜に」時頻頻走音。其實很多聲優都會這樣, 平常都不用露面, 在很多人面前反而沒辦法全力演出吧? 她唱完的時候還深深地鞠躬, 真是惹人憐啊。徐若暄我是第一次看到, 老實說我覺得還好, 不過還有點健康少女型就是。唱歌的時候聽不太出來, 不過偶爾會在奇怪的地方換氣, 拍子有時候會跟不太上, 畢竟不是歌手的關係嗎? 搭肩在 Kazuma 身邊跳舞的時候超級像我們店的之前的 receiver 的說。南里侑香的「暁の車」還是那麼感人, 梶浦由記也依然非常投入地在彈奏, 聽起來幾乎跟CD一樣。話說回來, 南里侑香是歌手吧? 怎麼印象中有在某些作品的 credit 看過她的名字; 挑戰聲優嗎? 另外也放了 See-Saw 的「あんなに一緒だったのに」MTV。雖然以前就在網站上看過, 不過果然還是配動畫場景或 ED 的捲軸比較好啊 orz。玉置成実則不負眾望(?)又唱又跳地演出「Believe」。她笑著跳舞的時候也很像我們店的前 receiver 耶。不過不愧是受過專業訓練的歌手, 從頭到尾都在跳居然還能唱出那種聲音, 真是厲害啊。
Part.1 的聲優演出是石田彰跟進藤尚美。アスラン的部份主要是專注於希望能儘快結束戰爭和因此必須在戰場上跟摯友敵對的心情。寫這篇的時候正好在放 SEED Suits CD 的「トリィ」, 聽著兩人訴說過去的回憶, 尤其是アスラン篇, 更是貼切啊。說到這個, 以前用 Google 查 sanopup 的時候, 有一則是別人的 blog(現在已經不在了), 裡頭 quote 了我很久以前在 Gundam.com 的 SEED thread 寫的一篇, 提到アスラン一直一個人躇足不前, 在血的情人節事件後更是, 不像キラ繼續向前進又交了新朋友, 所以對キラ特別 hung up。カガリ的部份主要是與キラ及アスラン的相遇和對「敵人」的看法動搖。進藤尚美的樣子我也是第一次看到, 跟カガリ的形象有點類似呢。BTW, George Glen 那一段好像也是石田彰配。
Friday, August 26, 2005
I knew I should had went and picked up the DVD on Sunday after getting the camera... It's already bought by someone else (along with a few other titles, including Juuni Kokuki, I noticed) when I dropped by today. The mission of acquiring Full Metal Panic vol.5 was a failure. -__-
Since I couldn't get what I went for, I took a quick peek at the digital cameras to see their prices. After hearing my interest in the Kodak 7330, the young sales immediately suggested not to get a Kodak and that they break easily. I admit the particular model in question is somewhat cheap and probably does break easily, but you can't just deny the whole product line from the company because of this. Then he went on to say that HP cameras are garbage. Excuse me? It is true that some of their basic models are on the low side of the spectrum, but they also have some of the best models out there. The guy kept recommending Olympus and Fuji, which happen to rank rather low on my list. Anyhow, I didn't say much to him and thought of the incident as an amusing encounter. Maybe I'll share it with the guys at work someday. XP
On a side note, finally made the decision and got a Langley library card. The branch I went to is in the same building as the city hall(?). It's quite small and doesn't have much in terms of collection, especially in the foreign language section, but the language section isn't bad. I borrowed three books, including one that I've wanted to read for a long time, The Song of Dodo. I hope I'll have time to finish reading it.
Since I couldn't get what I went for, I took a quick peek at the digital cameras to see their prices. After hearing my interest in the Kodak 7330, the young sales immediately suggested not to get a Kodak and that they break easily. I admit the particular model in question is somewhat cheap and probably does break easily, but you can't just deny the whole product line from the company because of this. Then he went on to say that HP cameras are garbage. Excuse me? It is true that some of their basic models are on the low side of the spectrum, but they also have some of the best models out there. The guy kept recommending Olympus and Fuji, which happen to rank rather low on my list. Anyhow, I didn't say much to him and thought of the incident as an amusing encounter. Maybe I'll share it with the guys at work someday. XP
On a side note, finally made the decision and got a Langley library card. The branch I went to is in the same building as the city hall(?). It's quite small and doesn't have much in terms of collection, especially in the foreign language section, but the language section isn't bad. I borrowed three books, including one that I've wanted to read for a long time, The Song of Dodo. I hope I'll have time to finish reading it.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
This is so sad. -__-
Just got back from work and filled up $20 of gas at 101.4, and both me and another pair of youth were thinking it's cheap. Cheap? It's robbery, I tell ya. While most other things are slowly going down in price, gas price is climbing steadily and speedily up over the years (and recently, months). And you wonder why people are driving down to the States to shop all the time...
Just got back from work and filled up $20 of gas at 101.4, and both me and another pair of youth were thinking it's cheap. Cheap? It's robbery, I tell ya. While most other things are slowly going down in price, gas price is climbing steadily and speedily up over the years (and recently, months). And you wonder why people are driving down to the States to shop all the time...
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Erementar Gerad ep.1-4
To tell the truth, I wasn't expecting too much from the series, seeing how I have yet to read one positive review on it. It's not as bad as I feared, but there're more bad points going for it, I'm afraid.
First off, I have no problem with the traditional RPG-style story, but the female lead is simply too weak. In a sense, Ren is less human than Ayanami Rei (well, let's forget the fact that they're both literally not human...), and that makes all the interactions seem one-sided and thus makes the plot lame. Then there's the unchanging credit in the ED since the first episode. It's annoying when I can't check to verify that I've identified the seiyuu, and this shows the slackness on the staff's part. And lastly -I haven't read the manga yet so this is from other people's reviews- the changing of the characters' personality and motives from the manga. Apparently, the change has made the characters uninteresting and unattractive in the anime, and character is always a biggie for me when I watch any series.
Having said the above, there are some good points about the series. I won't hide it that Ishida Akira as the main character was the first and one of the biggest reason that I watched it. There's also Ueda Yuji, whose name is written in hiragana on the official site and the credit so I didn't bother reading and only realised it's him until I heard him. Speaking of which, his name is also written in hiragana in Honey & Clover. Is he going this way now? The art style is relatively consistent with the original manga, and the music is composed by the famed Kajiura Yuki.
So here's my verdict. Erementar Gerad is a nice little RPG series to keep yourself occupied when you're bored, but not good enough to keep you entertained, especially if Ishida Akira and Ueda Yuji aren't on your list of favourite seiyuu. As for me, I will finish the series eventually, if only for the reasons listed above.
To tell the truth, I wasn't expecting too much from the series, seeing how I have yet to read one positive review on it. It's not as bad as I feared, but there're more bad points going for it, I'm afraid.
First off, I have no problem with the traditional RPG-style story, but the female lead is simply too weak. In a sense, Ren is less human than Ayanami Rei (well, let's forget the fact that they're both literally not human...), and that makes all the interactions seem one-sided and thus makes the plot lame. Then there's the unchanging credit in the ED since the first episode. It's annoying when I can't check to verify that I've identified the seiyuu, and this shows the slackness on the staff's part. And lastly -I haven't read the manga yet so this is from other people's reviews- the changing of the characters' personality and motives from the manga. Apparently, the change has made the characters uninteresting and unattractive in the anime, and character is always a biggie for me when I watch any series.
Having said the above, there are some good points about the series. I won't hide it that Ishida Akira as the main character was the first and one of the biggest reason that I watched it. There's also Ueda Yuji, whose name is written in hiragana on the official site and the credit so I didn't bother reading and only realised it's him until I heard him. Speaking of which, his name is also written in hiragana in Honey & Clover. Is he going this way now? The art style is relatively consistent with the original manga, and the music is composed by the famed Kajiura Yuki.
So here's my verdict. Erementar Gerad is a nice little RPG series to keep yourself occupied when you're bored, but not good enough to keep you entertained, especially if Ishida Akira and Ueda Yuji aren't on your list of favourite seiyuu. As for me, I will finish the series eventually, if only for the reasons listed above.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Just finished watching ep.49 & 50 of Gundam SEED on YTV and I must say the impact is not less nor lighter compared to the first time I saw it. The emotional side of the characters' feelings weren't adequately delivered in the dubbed version, but I was able to immerse myself in the flow and the philosophy of the story better not having to follow the subtitles.
First off, the idea of writing a story from the time Flay picks up that transmitter to the time ArchAngel fires the last Lohengrin emerged again from the pile of to-writes in a dusted part of my brain. I think I might just write it in a few days while the memory is still fresh in my mind.
Flay's death. I had to experience the heart-wrenching moment once more as Kira cries out Flay's name in agonised and desperate tears. It's just so... so sad. >__< Watching Kira's expression changes from great relief and gladness from saving Flay and the prospect of seeing her again, to extreme shock and disbelief with coming so close and losing her right before his eyes, was sorrowful and at the same time dramatic.
Flaga'sdeath. Knowing that the guy is alive and well (physically well anyway...) in DESTINY totally nullifies the weight and significance of the event. I have yet to catch up on DESTINY to learn of the reason behind his situation (and hopefully it's along the lines of one of my theories), but it really would make a much more powerful and meaningful move if he were to die then, regardless of whatever excuse the staff thought up for his re-appearance. Enough complaint on this. I will write my thoughts on the event itself when I get around to finish the old-post-project...
I'll leave the real meat for when I actually write the review. These are just some of the thoughts I had when I watched the ending episodes a second time (and dubbed) today.
On a side note, I got a glimpse of One Piece on YTV earlier as well. The OP is completely re-written like Dragon Ball Z, I believe. Just thought it's interesting and a good sign that they're showing more quality anime now (as opposed to the xxxxMon trend). No, I didn't actually watch the episode. I don't imagine I'd follow the series at all, not even in Japanese. I'm already having difficulty wanting to read the manga as it is. I consider myself quite tolerant when it comes to manga art style so that's not really the problem, but if the characters and the story aren't enough to keep me interested, I'd drop the series right there. That's sort of the case with One Piece for me, I guess. *shrug*
First off, the idea of writing a story from the time Flay picks up that transmitter to the time ArchAngel fires the last Lohengrin emerged again from the pile of to-writes in a dusted part of my brain. I think I might just write it in a few days while the memory is still fresh in my mind.
Flay's death. I had to experience the heart-wrenching moment once more as Kira cries out Flay's name in agonised and desperate tears. It's just so... so sad. >__< Watching Kira's expression changes from great relief and gladness from saving Flay and the prospect of seeing her again, to extreme shock and disbelief with coming so close and losing her right before his eyes, was sorrowful and at the same time dramatic.
I'll leave the real meat for when I actually write the review. These are just some of the thoughts I had when I watched the ending episodes a second time (and dubbed) today.
On a side note, I got a glimpse of One Piece on YTV earlier as well. The OP is completely re-written like Dragon Ball Z, I believe. Just thought it's interesting and a good sign that they're showing more quality anime now (as opposed to the xxxxMon trend). No, I didn't actually watch the episode. I don't imagine I'd follow the series at all, not even in Japanese. I'm already having difficulty wanting to read the manga as it is. I consider myself quite tolerant when it comes to manga art style so that's not really the problem, but if the characters and the story aren't enough to keep me interested, I'd drop the series right there. That's sort of the case with One Piece for me, I guess. *shrug*
Monday, August 15, 2005
The July issue of NewType is probably still in a container at the port waiting to be moved out. So to make matter less complicated, I changed my original plan of starting the subscription from August to start from July. This way, they won't forget that I want the July issue no matter how long it takes the shipment to arrive.
On the other hand, it's apparent that they only carry the latest manga. I tried to find 聖闘士星矢、銀牙~流れ星 銀~(oops, I gave the girl the wrong subtitle, no wonder she couldn't find it ^__^;)、動物のお医者さん with no avail. Maybe it's just faster and easier (and cheaper?) to get those from Taiwan? ふん。まあ、I'm in no hurry anyway. There's always next year...
The July issue of NewType is probably still in a container at the port waiting to be moved out. So to make matter less complicated, I changed my original plan of starting the subscription from August to start from July. This way, they won't forget that I want the July issue no matter how long it takes the shipment to arrive.
On the other hand, it's apparent that they only carry the latest manga. I tried to find 聖闘士星矢、銀牙~流れ星 銀~(oops, I gave the girl the wrong subtitle, no wonder she couldn't find it ^__^;)、動物のお医者さん with no avail. Maybe it's just faster and easier (and cheaper?) to get those from Taiwan? ふん。まあ、I'm in no hurry anyway. There's always next year...
Just realised that 杉山紀彰 also voices Usahara from Damekko Doubutsu and the new Robert Ten guy with bat wings from Ueki no Housoku. I knew I've heard this voice before. *smirk*
Friday, August 05, 2005
All the mysteries have been revealed: Why is it that the "current" script which works for Paw Wow would fail when copied over to Koinu no Hitomi and the other ones. orz It's a good thing Paw Wow's theme was set before the due date, but this might mean that I'd lose the function if I were ever to change Paw Wow's template code... What a pain. -__-
Now that's settled, I guess I'll have to look for another way to display the most current page for the other ones. Probably dig into some templates and see, but not today. Time to go back to my reading on the dot probability paradigm...
Now that's settled, I guess I'll have to look for another way to display the most current page for the other ones. Probably dig into some templates and see, but not today. Time to go back to my reading on the dot probability paradigm...
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
First off, I'm so far behind in episodes (only up to ep.31 now) I have no idea where things are at with Gundam SEED DESTINY (well, not entirely true, since I do read NewType and the such...), but I've been expecting See-Saw's「君は僕に似ている」very highly as the last ED of the series ever since the day it was announced. I was not disappointed one little bit.
The song is indeed fitting to conclude the last cours of the epic. I got goose bumps just from hearing the prelude and the first two lines. The only complaint I have is the consecutive beats in the background now and then, which sounds a bit too much like Mai-HiME to me and somewhat less befitting SEED DESTINY.「静寂はヘッドフォンの中」is also very good and, in a sense, portrays the image of Gundam SEED/DESTINY better. It gives a similar impression as「あんなに一緒だったのに」and 「meteor」, which says a lot about the song itself.
The song is indeed fitting to conclude the last cours of the epic. I got goose bumps just from hearing the prelude and the first two lines. The only complaint I have is the consecutive beats in the background now and then, which sounds a bit too much like Mai-HiME to me and somewhat less befitting SEED DESTINY.「静寂はヘッドフォンの中」is also very good and, in a sense, portrays the image of Gundam SEED/DESTINY better. It gives a similar impression as「あんなに一緒だったのに」and 「meteor」, which says a lot about the song itself.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
My first sketch in years: Why Firefox should not be integrated with the IE core!!!
My first sketch in years: Why Firefox should not be integrated with the IE core!!!
I was attacked with an acute stomach ache last night that Mum thought I might also have ulcer. That freaked me right out. I went to bed after taking a pill and woke up fine. Thank God my stomach seems to hold up still. I would be very sad if I wouldn't be able to taste all the foods in the world. XD
Though I do believe it to be a sign of my weakening body. I've also noticed, for the past week or so, that I now sleep naturally for nine hours! It used to be that I only sleep more than eight hours if I'm not feeling well. I really need to watch my eating and sleeping habits, eh... -__-
Though I do believe it to be a sign of my weakening body. I've also noticed, for the past week or so, that I now sleep naturally for nine hours! It used to be that I only sleep more than eight hours if I'm not feeling well. I really need to watch my eating and sleeping habits, eh... -__-
Monday, July 11, 2005
剛才一時興起想比較 Google Translate 跟 Yahoo!翻訳看看, 把 Max君的追悼文丟了進去翻英文, 結果 Google 大敗。雖然Yahoo!翻訳也有點亂(日文本身可以前後顛倒的錯吧, 不過也很有可能是我自己亂寫寫錯 XD), 可是下面的逐字對照幾乎都翻出來了。
玩完日翻英就換玩中翻日, 把 Emma 第一話感想丟進Yahoo!翻訳, 結果如下:
「先刻animate.tvにあることは見た無予測したEmmaの第1の声は、やはり漫画と少しばかり出入がある。さすがイギリスのにおいの濃厚な作品で、片の端から歪んで開始する (梁賢人は最高です!XDは)まっすぐに到Emmaは口を開いて謝罪して葎/峭やっと急に邦文を話すことであることを驚いて目を覚ますことができた。XD
従一がすぐこの部を追わなければいけなくしようと考えなかったことを開始することを打って、了三が漫画と第1声以後を巻いて依然として考慮しないと思う。私は冬の馬由美が芽生えなくて、寧ろ井上喜久子が比較的に適合可能で、侍女感覚上のため少し女親のようなことであることがあり得ると感じることです。もしまっすぐにこんな役が誰かから配合に来て組み立てることを比較することを考えなかったことがあって、ただ反正興味はあまり、考えつかない。眼鏡の母と侍女は私について悪趣味であると言って、同じに全部直接的な卻下です。動画の画風と設定と漫画は接近して、ただし突の顕は3 Dの場面のものは組み合わせない。再びどうしてか原設定が伝統を依然として受けて束縛する19世紀の末のイギリスであると話して、風格と音楽は同様に全部質実なあっさりした針路で、生硬な贋の3Dの景物(特に屋内は装飾する)が見えることは確かに雰囲気を破壊することです。私はそうでなく3Dの動画を排斥して、最近の””が済むFF X-2と””が半分に到達するFF Xは奇麗さに就く。当然の動画の製造時間と予算は遊戯に従って比べることができなくて、ただしあの見るとすぐ狩り出して来ることであると知ることはまたその他と2Dの画面は相内張りの品はすぐ嫌悪を見た。
中日翻譯沒有逐字對照的功能, 不過我覺得翻成這樣也很厲害了, 畢竟我中文文法是半調子, 裡頭又夾雜了一些日文用詞跟人名。特別值得注意的是第一話被翻成了第1声, 梁邦彥被翻成了梁賢人, 萌被字譯翻成了芽生え, 眼鏡娘被直譯成眼鏡の母。XD
這麼有趣的東西, 玩上癮的話要怎麼辦啊~XD
玩完日翻英就換玩中翻日, 把 Emma 第一話感想丟進Yahoo!翻訳, 結果如下:
「先刻animate.tvにあることは見た無予測したEmmaの第1の声は、やはり漫画と少しばかり出入がある。さすがイギリスのにおいの濃厚な作品で、片の端から歪んで開始する (梁賢人は最高です!XDは)まっすぐに到Emmaは口を開いて謝罪して葎/峭やっと急に邦文を話すことであることを驚いて目を覚ますことができた。XD
従一がすぐこの部を追わなければいけなくしようと考えなかったことを開始することを打って、了三が漫画と第1声以後を巻いて依然として考慮しないと思う。私は冬の馬由美が芽生えなくて、寧ろ井上喜久子が比較的に適合可能で、侍女感覚上のため少し女親のようなことであることがあり得ると感じることです。もしまっすぐにこんな役が誰かから配合に来て組み立てることを比較することを考えなかったことがあって、ただ反正興味はあまり、考えつかない。眼鏡の母と侍女は私について悪趣味であると言って、同じに全部直接的な卻下です。動画の画風と設定と漫画は接近して、ただし突の顕は3 Dの場面のものは組み合わせない。再びどうしてか原設定が伝統を依然として受けて束縛する19世紀の末のイギリスであると話して、風格と音楽は同様に全部質実なあっさりした針路で、生硬な贋の3Dの景物(特に屋内は装飾する)が見えることは確かに雰囲気を破壊することです。私はそうでなく3Dの動画を排斥して、最近の””が済むFF X-2と””が半分に到達するFF Xは奇麗さに就く。当然の動画の製造時間と予算は遊戯に従って比べることができなくて、ただしあの見るとすぐ狩り出して来ることであると知ることはまたその他と2Dの画面は相内張りの品はすぐ嫌悪を見た。
中日翻譯沒有逐字對照的功能, 不過我覺得翻成這樣也很厲害了, 畢竟我中文文法是半調子, 裡頭又夾雜了一些日文用詞跟人名。特別值得注意的是第一話被翻成了第1声, 梁邦彥被翻成了梁賢人, 萌被字譯翻成了芽生え, 眼鏡娘被直譯成眼鏡の母。XD
這麼有趣的東西, 玩上癮的話要怎麼辦啊~XD
如果報告有需要用到因為是 online distance program 所以根本沒人教完全只能靠內建 tutorial 學習的專業軟體時, 一定要儘早開工。(泣)
キタッーー! Orz 今天車子電池死了兩次(如果要算回來以後馬上就發不動的話是三次)。發動時一定要一次轉到底而且聲音常常聽起來有氣無力的情形其實已經蠻久了, 不過一方面車齡不小了, 又是很陽春的小車子, 我對車子也一竅不通, 根本就沒想到那麼多。上個禮拜友人W 的車死電池的時候有點擔心我那部, 果然降臨了。雖然車上一直都放著 jumper cable 所以只要有別的車在就能發動, 可是總不能一直靠這個。電池不知道多少錢... (再泣)
キタッーー! Orz 今天車子電池死了兩次(如果要算回來以後馬上就發不動的話是三次)。發動時一定要一次轉到底而且聲音常常聽起來有氣無力的情形其實已經蠻久了, 不過一方面車齡不小了, 又是很陽春的小車子, 我對車子也一竅不通, 根本就沒想到那麼多。上個禮拜友人W 的車死電池的時候有點擔心我那部, 果然降臨了。雖然車上一直都放著 jumper cable 所以只要有別的車在就能發動, 可是總不能一直靠這個。電池不知道多少錢... (再泣)
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Seeing ep.43 of Gundam SEED on YTV made me miss Kuwashima's Natarle so much... (and the other people, too, but she's the most notable one here)
Anyhow, since I posted my extension list the other day, thought I'd post my reviews on all the extensions I've tried so far. As a brief description of the extensions were covered in the list post, I'll only talk about my usage here.
adblock (Mozilla & Firefox)
One of the first extensions I install right away after an update. (Did I mention that I uninstall and then install the new version every time? Sometimes the settings are intact but sometimes I need to re-configure and re-install the extensions) Frankly, this isn't really necessary if I stay within the 'safety zone,' but I like to venture and roam around too much. Those flashy type of graphical ads can be unbearably annoying and more and more web sites are infested with them, especially now that I read off Google News which links out to all sorts of different sources.
BugMeNot (Mozilla & Firefox)
I don't get to use this very often, but it's handy when there's the occasional article I want to read.
ConQuery (I only installed it on Mozilla but it works on Firefox as well)
Very handy when looking for info on Japanese people, as typing the names in Kanji into the URL bar (which searches Google.com) usually results in entries from Chinese (more Simplified than Traditional) sites. Actually, I installed ConQuery solely for the purpose of being able to query to Google Japan directly without having to go to Google.co.jp. XP
Context Search (Firefox)
I use it to do the same thing as ConQuery in Mozilla. Well, I discovered this first and then looked for the equivalent for Mozilla 'cause I found it very useful.
converter (Mozilla)
Another one of those extensions I don't use very often but is very handy to have, especially when I'm reading American sources where people use the imperial system and Fahrenheit for temperature. It makes things easier to understand for me when converted. :) Though I'm probably the only person around who's having trouble doing any calculation or thinking in imperial...
DictionarySearch (Mozilla & Firefox)
This is easily one of the most important extensions to me and I use it very frequently to look up words in both English and Japanese. Just so you know, I also have the links to the Free Dictionary and Yahoo! Japan dictionary on my personal bookmark bar. Don't have the other Japanese dictionary anywhere in the bookmark, though, as it's part of a whole web service site but I only use the dictionary part. This one has example sentences and related phrases in both Japanese and English, while the Yahoo one focuses on words and display both Japanese/Japanese and Japanese/English.
Disable Targets for Downloads (Firefox)
No more annoying blank tabs to close when downloading/opening certain file formats from web pages! I'm not that annoyed by it, actually, as I pretty much give every link the right-click treatment, but it saves a bit of time.
Extension Uninstaller (Mozilla)
I tried this a long time ago because Mozilla lacks an extension manager and therefore I had to search everywhere to uninstall an extension. It kind of worked but not as good as the one in Firefox. A bit clunky for me. I don't quite remember what I did with it, whether I uninstalled it or it got lost after a version upgrade. Never installed it afterwards. I don't have that many extensions to start with and have stayed with particular ones for ages. Beside, sometimes I have to reinstall the extensions after an upgrade anyway.
Edit CSS (Firefox)
Other than the time when I first installed it, I never even used it once. I installed it in the first place 'cause I thought it might come in handy since I'm interested in learning more CSS, but deep down I knew I wouldn't really bother. Firefox's been pretty smooth in recent version upgrades so it's still there. Once I need to reinstall the extensions due to an upgrade screw-up, I don't think I'd install this again.
Go Home (Mozilla & Firefox)
Adds a "Home" entry to the context menu. This was useful back before I put all the Googles I use to the personal bookmark bar as my Homes are Google.co.jp for Mozilla and Google.com (which re-directs to Google.ca automatically) for Firefox. As these are all within easy reach, I no longer used Go Home. BTW, since Mozilla's Home button is on the far left of the personal bar, I put all three Google on the personal bar and never used the actual Home.
Go Up (Firefox)
Don't get to use this every often but very handy when linked to a nested page or, even worse, a dead-end (page with no link at all or part of a frame).
IE View (Mozilla & Firefox)
Need I say more? Another important extension for viewing those stubborn pages that use ActiveX or have screwed-up codes. Though, I must admit, I haven't used this for a long time now. If the site is IE-only, I simply leave. It's always been my policy since my Netscape days unless I absolutely needed the information or the service. Now that it's more than easy to find often the same info, I see very little reason to bother. To me, IE is good for two things: Windows Update and checking my modem usage. Oh, and probably to download stuff from Microsoft if the need(?) should ever arise.
jsLib (Mozilla & Firefox)
Well, technically this isn't really a usable extension, but it paves the way for many other applications and extensions. Naturally it's always there, though I don't know which extensions need it.
MediaPlayerConnectivity (Firefox)
This is supposed to be really good and plays streamed or embedded media files typically only recognise IE. I never got it to work (and there's no instruction whatsoever) so I uninstalled it.
Moji (Firefox)
I was quite thrilled when I first discovered this and happily played around on the 12 Kokuki website. It shows the translation of the selected Kanji on the webpage in the side bar, complete with the number of strokes and other technical data on the word itself. This is designed to help people learn the Japanese Kanji, but as I can understand a fair amount of Kanji already, Moji is really more like a toy to me which I play with once in a while. Alas, it only supports Firefox to up to 1.0 and I was forced to stop playing with it. I also installed jsLib the first time with Moji.
Mycroft (Mozilla & Firefox)
I've never used the extension but there're hundreds of search plugins available in their collection. I take advantage of the search plugins and adds Googles to ConQuery, and Googles and Wikipedias (JP & EN) to Context Search.
Paste and Go (Mozilla & Firefox)
Another one of the most frequently used extensions for me, especially when I'm in browsing mode and my hand is too lazy to leave the mouse to hit Enter after pasting an URL.
Print (Mozilla & Firefox)
Adds "Print" to the context menu. No, I don't use it as I don't print and my computer isn't even connected. I installed this on New Type so Mum can print easily, and also on the computer in the store so we can print quickly. Despite not ever printing anything, I added the Print button for Firefox for aesthetic reason (it's a cat icon, in case you're wondering, because of the theme I use).
SessionSaver (Mozilla & Firefox)
I remember trying this a long time ago but it never worked. Back then, there was the problem with my video card so the computer would reboot itself unexpectedly when it felt like it, and it was very annoying to lose all the pages I just linked out and hadn't bookmarked. Now my video card is stable and I've learned to bookmark first and read later, so I didn't try installing this again.
Small Screen Rendering (Mozilla & Firefox)
I installed this back when I was still thinking of making a web site. However, I didn't have the time, and cell phone technology here is years behind that of Japan and Taiwan so I dropped the project altogether.
Tabbrowser Extensions (Mozilla & Firefox)
Yes, the infamous beast that is TBE. I was interested in some of the features listed and tried it out. The bulkiness and very slow response led me to uninstall it ten minutes later. Undoclosetab is the only tab-related extension I use now.
text/plain (Mozilla & Firefox)
I've used this quite a few times. Quite handy when browsing pages made by individuals and lazy people (like me). It's always easier to type the URL in text than to hyperlink it. XP
undoclosetab (Mozilla & Firefox)
Very important to me as I often close a tab only to find myself looking for stuff on the closed tab(s) less than a minute later. The default is 3 tabs, I believe. I've set the cache number to 10 for both Mozilla & Firefox now.
Web Developer (Mozilla & Firefox)
There're lots of things you can do with this extension, and it's handy for debugging web sites. But as previously mentioned, I haven't been making web sites so I never really used it. Beside, I hand-code. The only use I have of it is to debug, but I find it quicker to just look at the source code. I still install this just in case, though.
Right Encoding (Firefox)
Adds the encoding entry into the context menu. It's handy in its own way, but I'm used to changing the encoding from the top menu now so I didn't reinstall it after it got lost during an upgrade. That, and the only times I need to change the encoding is when someone sends me an email in Chinese to my Yahoo account, which is rare anyway.
rikaixul (Firefox)
Similar idea to Moji, this is another interesting toy that display the English meaning of Kanji when mouseover. I've only played with it twice, as my browser crashed the second time. After I installed rikaixul, Firefox started to display Javascript error (if the page has it) on the status bar, complete with what file and which line. Because of this, I was able to confirm that the Current link in the archive section works on Paw Wow but not the other ones because of a Javascript error. Haven't been able to debug it, though, as I'm a Javascript idiot and just copy-and-paste the same script into the template of the other ones. I don't know why it works for Paw Wow and not the others... -__-
ListZilla (Firefox)
I thought it'd be neat to list all the extensions I have, but now I'm considering uninstalling it 'cause I don't that many extensions and therefore rendering it somewhat useless.
Anyhow, since I posted my extension list the other day, thought I'd post my reviews on all the extensions I've tried so far. As a brief description of the extensions were covered in the list post, I'll only talk about my usage here.
adblock (Mozilla & Firefox)
One of the first extensions I install right away after an update. (Did I mention that I uninstall and then install the new version every time? Sometimes the settings are intact but sometimes I need to re-configure and re-install the extensions) Frankly, this isn't really necessary if I stay within the 'safety zone,' but I like to venture and roam around too much. Those flashy type of graphical ads can be unbearably annoying and more and more web sites are infested with them, especially now that I read off Google News which links out to all sorts of different sources.
BugMeNot (Mozilla & Firefox)
I don't get to use this very often, but it's handy when there's the occasional article I want to read.
ConQuery (I only installed it on Mozilla but it works on Firefox as well)
Very handy when looking for info on Japanese people, as typing the names in Kanji into the URL bar (which searches Google.com) usually results in entries from Chinese (more Simplified than Traditional) sites. Actually, I installed ConQuery solely for the purpose of being able to query to Google Japan directly without having to go to Google.co.jp. XP
Context Search (Firefox)
I use it to do the same thing as ConQuery in Mozilla. Well, I discovered this first and then looked for the equivalent for Mozilla 'cause I found it very useful.
converter (Mozilla)
Another one of those extensions I don't use very often but is very handy to have, especially when I'm reading American sources where people use the imperial system and Fahrenheit for temperature. It makes things easier to understand for me when converted. :) Though I'm probably the only person around who's having trouble doing any calculation or thinking in imperial...
DictionarySearch (Mozilla & Firefox)
This is easily one of the most important extensions to me and I use it very frequently to look up words in both English and Japanese. Just so you know, I also have the links to the Free Dictionary and Yahoo! Japan dictionary on my personal bookmark bar. Don't have the other Japanese dictionary anywhere in the bookmark, though, as it's part of a whole web service site but I only use the dictionary part. This one has example sentences and related phrases in both Japanese and English, while the Yahoo one focuses on words and display both Japanese/Japanese and Japanese/English.
Disable Targets for Downloads (Firefox)
No more annoying blank tabs to close when downloading/opening certain file formats from web pages! I'm not that annoyed by it, actually, as I pretty much give every link the right-click treatment, but it saves a bit of time.
Extension Uninstaller (Mozilla)
I tried this a long time ago because Mozilla lacks an extension manager and therefore I had to search everywhere to uninstall an extension. It kind of worked but not as good as the one in Firefox. A bit clunky for me. I don't quite remember what I did with it, whether I uninstalled it or it got lost after a version upgrade. Never installed it afterwards. I don't have that many extensions to start with and have stayed with particular ones for ages. Beside, sometimes I have to reinstall the extensions after an upgrade anyway.
Edit CSS (Firefox)
Other than the time when I first installed it, I never even used it once. I installed it in the first place 'cause I thought it might come in handy since I'm interested in learning more CSS, but deep down I knew I wouldn't really bother. Firefox's been pretty smooth in recent version upgrades so it's still there. Once I need to reinstall the extensions due to an upgrade screw-up, I don't think I'd install this again.
Go Home (Mozilla & Firefox)
Adds a "Home" entry to the context menu. This was useful back before I put all the Googles I use to the personal bookmark bar as my Homes are Google.co.jp for Mozilla and Google.com (which re-directs to Google.ca automatically) for Firefox. As these are all within easy reach, I no longer used Go Home. BTW, since Mozilla's Home button is on the far left of the personal bar, I put all three Google on the personal bar and never used the actual Home.
Go Up (Firefox)
Don't get to use this every often but very handy when linked to a nested page or, even worse, a dead-end (page with no link at all or part of a frame).
IE View (Mozilla & Firefox)
Need I say more? Another important extension for viewing those stubborn pages that use ActiveX or have screwed-up codes. Though, I must admit, I haven't used this for a long time now. If the site is IE-only, I simply leave. It's always been my policy since my Netscape days unless I absolutely needed the information or the service. Now that it's more than easy to find often the same info, I see very little reason to bother. To me, IE is good for two things: Windows Update and checking my modem usage. Oh, and probably to download stuff from Microsoft if the need(?) should ever arise.
jsLib (Mozilla & Firefox)
Well, technically this isn't really a usable extension, but it paves the way for many other applications and extensions. Naturally it's always there, though I don't know which extensions need it.
MediaPlayerConnectivity (Firefox)
This is supposed to be really good and plays streamed or embedded media files typically only recognise IE. I never got it to work (and there's no instruction whatsoever) so I uninstalled it.
Moji (Firefox)
I was quite thrilled when I first discovered this and happily played around on the 12 Kokuki website. It shows the translation of the selected Kanji on the webpage in the side bar, complete with the number of strokes and other technical data on the word itself. This is designed to help people learn the Japanese Kanji, but as I can understand a fair amount of Kanji already, Moji is really more like a toy to me which I play with once in a while. Alas, it only supports Firefox to up to 1.0 and I was forced to stop playing with it. I also installed jsLib the first time with Moji.
Mycroft (Mozilla & Firefox)
I've never used the extension but there're hundreds of search plugins available in their collection. I take advantage of the search plugins and adds Googles to ConQuery, and Googles and Wikipedias (JP & EN) to Context Search.
Paste and Go (Mozilla & Firefox)
Another one of the most frequently used extensions for me, especially when I'm in browsing mode and my hand is too lazy to leave the mouse to hit Enter after pasting an URL.
Print (Mozilla & Firefox)
Adds "Print" to the context menu. No, I don't use it as I don't print and my computer isn't even connected. I installed this on New Type so Mum can print easily, and also on the computer in the store so we can print quickly. Despite not ever printing anything, I added the Print button for Firefox for aesthetic reason (it's a cat icon, in case you're wondering, because of the theme I use).
SessionSaver (Mozilla & Firefox)
I remember trying this a long time ago but it never worked. Back then, there was the problem with my video card so the computer would reboot itself unexpectedly when it felt like it, and it was very annoying to lose all the pages I just linked out and hadn't bookmarked. Now my video card is stable and I've learned to bookmark first and read later, so I didn't try installing this again.
Small Screen Rendering (Mozilla & Firefox)
I installed this back when I was still thinking of making a web site. However, I didn't have the time, and cell phone technology here is years behind that of Japan and Taiwan so I dropped the project altogether.
Tabbrowser Extensions (Mozilla & Firefox)
Yes, the infamous beast that is TBE. I was interested in some of the features listed and tried it out. The bulkiness and very slow response led me to uninstall it ten minutes later. Undoclosetab is the only tab-related extension I use now.
text/plain (Mozilla & Firefox)
I've used this quite a few times. Quite handy when browsing pages made by individuals and lazy people (like me). It's always easier to type the URL in text than to hyperlink it. XP
undoclosetab (Mozilla & Firefox)
Very important to me as I often close a tab only to find myself looking for stuff on the closed tab(s) less than a minute later. The default is 3 tabs, I believe. I've set the cache number to 10 for both Mozilla & Firefox now.
Web Developer (Mozilla & Firefox)
There're lots of things you can do with this extension, and it's handy for debugging web sites. But as previously mentioned, I haven't been making web sites so I never really used it. Beside, I hand-code. The only use I have of it is to debug, but I find it quicker to just look at the source code. I still install this just in case, though.
Right Encoding (Firefox)
Adds the encoding entry into the context menu. It's handy in its own way, but I'm used to changing the encoding from the top menu now so I didn't reinstall it after it got lost during an upgrade. That, and the only times I need to change the encoding is when someone sends me an email in Chinese to my Yahoo account, which is rare anyway.
rikaixul (Firefox)
Similar idea to Moji, this is another interesting toy that display the English meaning of Kanji when mouseover. I've only played with it twice, as my browser crashed the second time. After I installed rikaixul, Firefox started to display Javascript error (if the page has it) on the status bar, complete with what file and which line. Because of this, I was able to confirm that the Current link in the archive section works on Paw Wow but not the other ones because of a Javascript error. Haven't been able to debug it, though, as I'm a Javascript idiot and just copy-and-paste the same script into the template of the other ones. I don't know why it works for Paw Wow and not the others... -__-
ListZilla (Firefox)
I thought it'd be neat to list all the extensions I have, but now I'm considering uninstalling it 'cause I don't that many extensions and therefore rendering it somewhat useless.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Mum left for D.C. this morning (courtesy of my brother who drove her to the airport at 5:30am) and will be gone for about four days. Doesn't mean a thing to me though, as I have 2 assignments due on Sunday and a final paper proposal to submit...
Just watched ep. 4 (Silent Run) of Gundam SEED on YTV (didn't know they have it on at this time). For a second there I thought they were going to play the whole OP, but no such luck. It's a few seconds longer than the usual one on Friday nights but that's it. -- I can never understand them on this matter. They play complete OPs and EDs with English credits for Inu Yasha, badly cut Invoke (for the whole series) with English credits and EDs with original Japanese credits for Gundam SEED, and complete OP (don't remember what language) and ED with original Japanese for .hack//SIGN -- They also played the preview clip which isn't shown on Friday. I laughed out loud when I heard, "Soar through the sky, Gundam!" at the end there. It sounded too lame and too funny. Couldn't help it. XD
- a Chihuahua x Dawson (??)
- a lab puppy
- a pug
Just watched ep. 4 (Silent Run) of Gundam SEED on YTV (didn't know they have it on at this time). For a second there I thought they were going to play the whole OP, but no such luck. It's a few seconds longer than the usual one on Friday nights but that's it. -- I can never understand them on this matter. They play complete OPs and EDs with English credits for Inu Yasha, badly cut Invoke (for the whole series) with English credits and EDs with original Japanese credits for Gundam SEED, and complete OP (don't remember what language) and ED with original Japanese for .hack//SIGN -- They also played the preview clip which isn't shown on Friday. I laughed out loud when I heard, "Soar through the sky, Gundam!" at the end there. It sounded too lame and too funny. Couldn't help it. XD
- a Chihuahua x Dawson (??)
- a lab puppy
- a pug
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
I'm feeling bored today (beside peeling off a piece of skin off my right pinky with the nail of my left pinky by accident -- the bleeding has somewhat stopped now) so I'll post my extension list for Mozilla and Firefox.
Mozilla 1.7.8:
IE View - right-click to view the page in IE
undoclosetab - undo closed tabs (I've set it at 10 tabs)
dictionarysearch - highlight text and right-click to search using one of the four dictionaries (I have the free dictionary, Yahoo! Japan, another Japanese dictionary, and a currency converter)
adblock - blocks image and Flash ads; can be set to block image from servers
converter - select a metric or imperial unit and the equivalent will be shown in the context menu
ConQuery - query selected text search to more search engines (I have Google, Google Japan, and Google Taiwan)
BugMeNot - read articles that require an user account
Web Developer - just as the name implies, though I've used it... zero time so far
Paste and Go - copy, right-click on URL bar to paste and go directly
text/plain - select text URL and open in new tab or new window
Did I miss anything else? Mozilla doesn't have an extension manager like Firefox so it's hard to tell sometimes.
Firefox 1.0.4:
Context Search - basically does the same thing as ConQuery but in Firefox (Context Search doesn't support Mozilla)
Diable Target for Downloads - prevent Firefox from opening a blank tab when downloading files
EditCSS - modify CSS from the side bar; never used it so far
Go up - Alt+Page Up takes you one level up in the site's directory
IE View
Paste and Go
rikaixul - pop-ups with Japanese word translation to web pages (used it once so far... Used to use Moji but it hasn't been updated for newer versions)
ListZilla - exports installed extensions and themes into a list
Mozilla 1.7.8:
IE View - right-click to view the page in IE
undoclosetab - undo closed tabs (I've set it at 10 tabs)
dictionarysearch - highlight text and right-click to search using one of the four dictionaries (I have the free dictionary, Yahoo! Japan, another Japanese dictionary, and a currency converter)
adblock - blocks image and Flash ads; can be set to block image from servers
converter - select a metric or imperial unit and the equivalent will be shown in the context menu
ConQuery - query selected text search to more search engines (I have Google, Google Japan, and Google Taiwan)
BugMeNot - read articles that require an user account
Web Developer - just as the name implies, though I've used it... zero time so far
Paste and Go - copy, right-click on URL bar to paste and go directly
text/plain - select text URL and open in new tab or new window
Did I miss anything else? Mozilla doesn't have an extension manager like Firefox so it's hard to tell sometimes.
Firefox 1.0.4:
Context Search - basically does the same thing as ConQuery but in Firefox (Context Search doesn't support Mozilla)
Diable Target for Downloads - prevent Firefox from opening a blank tab when downloading files
EditCSS - modify CSS from the side bar; never used it so far
Go up - Alt+Page Up takes you one level up in the site's directory
IE View
Paste and Go
rikaixul - pop-ups with Japanese word translation to web pages (used it once so far... Used to use Moji but it hasn't been updated for newer versions)
ListZilla - exports installed extensions and themes into a list
Monday, July 04, 2005
剛才在 animate.tv 上看了無料的 Emma 第一話, 果然跟漫畫有稍許出入。不愧是英國氣味濃厚的作品, 從片頭曲開始(梁邦彥最高!XD)一直到 Emma 開口道歉為止才猛然驚醒到是講日文。XD
打從一開始就沒打算要追這部, 看了三卷漫畫跟第一話以後還是不考慮。我不萌冬馬由美, 倒是覺得井上喜久子會比較適合, 可能是因為女僕感覺上有點像母親吧。一直沒想過這樣的角色由誰來配比較搭, 不過反正興趣不大, 想不到就算了。眼鏡娘跟女僕對我來說是惡趣味, 一般都是直接卻下的。動畫的畫風跟設定跟漫畫很接近, 但是也突顯了3D場景的不搭配。再怎麼說原設定是仍受傳統束縛的19世紀末的英國, 風格跟音樂也都是樸素淡雅路線, 看到生硬的假3D景物(尤其是屋內擺設)實在是破壞氣氛。我不是排斥3D動畫, 最近"看"完的 FF X-2 跟"看"到一半的 FF X 就很漂亮。當然動畫的製作時間跟預算不能跟遊戲比, 但是那種一看就知道是趕出來又跟其他2D畫面不相襯的東西看了就討厭。
不記得在漫畫裡看過這個, 不過那個燒開後會自動倒到杯子裡然後敲鈴的下午茶伴侶實在很有趣, 真的很妙呢。我很喜歡。:)
打從一開始就沒打算要追這部, 看了三卷漫畫跟第一話以後還是不考慮。我不萌冬馬由美, 倒是覺得井上喜久子會比較適合, 可能是因為女僕感覺上有點像母親吧。一直沒想過這樣的角色由誰來配比較搭, 不過反正興趣不大, 想不到就算了。眼鏡娘跟女僕對我來說是惡趣味, 一般都是直接卻下的。動畫的畫風跟設定跟漫畫很接近, 但是也突顯了3D場景的不搭配。再怎麼說原設定是仍受傳統束縛的19世紀末的英國, 風格跟音樂也都是樸素淡雅路線, 看到生硬的假3D景物(尤其是屋內擺設)實在是破壞氣氛。我不是排斥3D動畫, 最近"看"完的 FF X-2 跟"看"到一半的 FF X 就很漂亮。當然動畫的製作時間跟預算不能跟遊戲比, 但是那種一看就知道是趕出來又跟其他2D畫面不相襯的東西看了就討厭。
不記得在漫畫裡看過這個, 不過那個燒開後會自動倒到杯子裡然後敲鈴的下午茶伴侶實在很有趣, 真的很妙呢。我很喜歡。:)
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
事情是這樣的。當我休息時間結束的時候, 我直接到後面印東西然後準備把一車的遊戲拖出去。在弄的時候聽到門被打開的聲音, 可是沒有人進來(大概是看到了我)。正好那時候我也弄好了就拖著推車出去, 然後看到一個人站在廁所門口, 帶著一個大背包跟滑板。他看到我就走出去, 然後我很理所當然地跟在他後面, 到不能繼續跟的時候就遠遠盯著。很明顯地, 我不是唯一注意到他的人, 其他人也在盯他, 經理還叫人到廁所裡去搜。他大概也發現自己被盯上了, 找了個藉口問我 PDA 在哪裡, 看了幾秒以後又跑到廁所去。在外面的通道都聽的到裡頭傳來一聲很大的聲音。他在裡面一陣子以後就直接走出店。經理又叫人去廁所搜, 這次在垃圾桶底找到一個外帶用測重器。
雖然終究沒能檢查他的大背包, 所以不能確定他到底有沒有帶走任何東西, 不過至少保住了測重器, 他在短期內大概也不敢再回來了。
事情是這樣的。當我休息時間結束的時候, 我直接到後面印東西然後準備把一車的遊戲拖出去。在弄的時候聽到門被打開的聲音, 可是沒有人進來(大概是看到了我)。正好那時候我也弄好了就拖著推車出去, 然後看到一個人站在廁所門口, 帶著一個大背包跟滑板。他看到我就走出去, 然後我很理所當然地跟在他後面, 到不能繼續跟的時候就遠遠盯著。很明顯地, 我不是唯一注意到他的人, 其他人也在盯他, 經理還叫人到廁所裡去搜。他大概也發現自己被盯上了, 找了個藉口問我 PDA 在哪裡, 看了幾秒以後又跑到廁所去。在外面的通道都聽的到裡頭傳來一聲很大的聲音。他在裡面一陣子以後就直接走出店。經理又叫人去廁所搜, 這次在垃圾桶底找到一個外帶用測重器。
雖然終究沒能檢查他的大背包, 所以不能確定他到底有沒有帶走任何東西, 不過至少保住了測重器, 他在短期內大概也不敢再回來了。
Saturday, June 25, 2005
あれはまさか... お久しぶりの緒方恵美?!
I was casually sampling the episode when I got zapped by the voice. It sounds like her and her acting, but her name is not shown in the credit... Am I getting senile already? And I was sure I'd be able to recognise her anytime. T__T
But the character's name didn't seem to appear in the credit, so there's still hope.
I was casually sampling the episode when I got zapped by the voice. It sounds like her and her acting, but her name is not shown in the credit... Am I getting senile already? And I was sure I'd be able to recognise her anytime. T__T
But the character's name didn't seem to appear in the credit, so there's still hope.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
I'm still trying to catch up on the old posts (and stuck on a particular long translation post), but I just reminded myself earlier today that my English writing has degraded so much since my paper-writing days so I'd need to write something now and then to slowly get my edge back (not that it was sharp to start with...)
Anyhow, just read the articles on PC Magazine comparing three web mail services: Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, and Hotmail, and thought I'll put in my two cents on the subject.
First of all, to be fair, I stopped using Hotmail before it got the facelift and all the upgrades it has now so I'm judging from past experience. My first ever email account was with Hotmail and I had no complaint. Until the amount of junk mail escalated, that was. I got another account and separated public and private use, and all was well again. Alas, most of the online activities I was involved in were art-related, and the measly 2MB provided by Hotmail was obviously not enough for frequent image transfers. I had to constantly monitoring my storage to make sure it's not full and thus blocking any more incoming emails.
In search of more space, I got a Yahoo.com account which gave me 4MB. The more I used it, the more I liked it better than Hotmail. Later I got two more Yahoo account for different purposes, one Yahoo.ca and one Yahoo.co.jp, each with 6MB. I'm still using all three now and the Yahoo.com one was my main email account for the longest time. The scene didn't last, however, and now the bulk folder of my Yahoo.com account gets an average of 4-5 junk mails everyday.
In April 2004, I got an invitation for Gmail beta from Google. I was first shocked by the whopping 1GB offered when I read about it and then stunned by the beautiful and sleek interface. Since it was labelled beta, I wasn't sure how long this huge email account bubble would last and didn't really use it, fearing that if I got too used to it, it'd be difficult and painful when the bubble burst. Thankfully it's here to stay, and it's improving everyday (I'd like to think that I played a role in the feature of displaying the number of spam since I sent in a suggestion on the matter after a small chat with Bob).
That's roughly my journey of migration from one web mail service to the next over the past couple of years (ignoring the other one I've used as this is focusing on the three reviewed). Everyone's offering big storage space now so it's not really a factor anymore when one chooses a web mail service. So what cuts it for me? Interface and usability.
Back in my Hotmail days I had dial-up and used Netscape. It was all fine until one day they 'updated' and changed the interface. Granted, more people and most of my friends were on cable by that time, but my adaptation was a lot slower than everyone else when it comes to technology hardware. It took way longer to load the pages and the ads were getting annoying, too. Not to mention that the interface was broken in my Netscape! My brother used IE (and still does, regretfully) so I knew what it could look like. It was still usable, but that was one of the biggest driving force for me to move out. I never looked back.
Yahoo's interface was sleeker compared to the Hotmail then, and the ability to customise the look was a big plus for me. All three accounts sport different colour themes for the mail part and My Yahoo! part. I especially loved (and still love) My Yahoo! My Yahoo.com has the email centre, briefcase, Garfield, a US/CAN/NTD/YEN currency converter, and RSS feeds from PC World, mozillaZine, Mozilla.org, NYT Technology, PC Magazine, and NASA. My Yahoo.ca has the email centre, briefcase, word of the day, and my groups. My Yahoo.jp has the email centre, briefcase, dictionary (my default Japanese dictionary of choice, btw, and also included in the dictionarysearch extension for Mozilla and Firefox), avatar (unlike the Yahoo.com one, this one can be shown without Yahoo Messenger), and new site listings from Yahoo.co.jp in various categories including anime, seiyuu, astronomy, geography, game music, and dogs. As you can probably guess, My Yahoo! is pretty much what I use most of the time for Yahoo's service now. The former main email Yahoo.com is still active, but I'm liking it less and less. It's getting slower when loading and the ads are also getting on my nerves.
Gmail's interface... Need I say more? Clean and simple yet beautiful, sleek and smart, lightning fast response, no annoying and distracting graphical ads (and no text ads either now for non-English conversations), super convenient conversation for discussions, powerful search... You get the point. Of course, Gmail is not without its flaws (eg. no quick link to contacts when needing the email address in the compose mode, no support for non-Unicode encoding), but it is also in beta. There is room for improvement but I believe they will do a sound job in fulfilling it.
My verdict? Gmail, obviously. You didn't see that coming, right? XD
Anyhow, just read the articles on PC Magazine comparing three web mail services: Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, and Hotmail, and thought I'll put in my two cents on the subject.
First of all, to be fair, I stopped using Hotmail before it got the facelift and all the upgrades it has now so I'm judging from past experience. My first ever email account was with Hotmail and I had no complaint. Until the amount of junk mail escalated, that was. I got another account and separated public and private use, and all was well again. Alas, most of the online activities I was involved in were art-related, and the measly 2MB provided by Hotmail was obviously not enough for frequent image transfers. I had to constantly monitoring my storage to make sure it's not full and thus blocking any more incoming emails.
In search of more space, I got a Yahoo.com account which gave me 4MB. The more I used it, the more I liked it better than Hotmail. Later I got two more Yahoo account for different purposes, one Yahoo.ca and one Yahoo.co.jp, each with 6MB. I'm still using all three now and the Yahoo.com one was my main email account for the longest time. The scene didn't last, however, and now the bulk folder of my Yahoo.com account gets an average of 4-5 junk mails everyday.
In April 2004, I got an invitation for Gmail beta from Google. I was first shocked by the whopping 1GB offered when I read about it and then stunned by the beautiful and sleek interface. Since it was labelled beta, I wasn't sure how long this huge email account bubble would last and didn't really use it, fearing that if I got too used to it, it'd be difficult and painful when the bubble burst. Thankfully it's here to stay, and it's improving everyday (I'd like to think that I played a role in the feature of displaying the number of spam since I sent in a suggestion on the matter after a small chat with Bob).
That's roughly my journey of migration from one web mail service to the next over the past couple of years (ignoring the other one I've used as this is focusing on the three reviewed). Everyone's offering big storage space now so it's not really a factor anymore when one chooses a web mail service. So what cuts it for me? Interface and usability.
Back in my Hotmail days I had dial-up and used Netscape. It was all fine until one day they 'updated' and changed the interface. Granted, more people and most of my friends were on cable by that time, but my adaptation was a lot slower than everyone else when it comes to technology hardware. It took way longer to load the pages and the ads were getting annoying, too. Not to mention that the interface was broken in my Netscape! My brother used IE (and still does, regretfully) so I knew what it could look like. It was still usable, but that was one of the biggest driving force for me to move out. I never looked back.
Yahoo's interface was sleeker compared to the Hotmail then, and the ability to customise the look was a big plus for me. All three accounts sport different colour themes for the mail part and My Yahoo! part. I especially loved (and still love) My Yahoo! My Yahoo.com has the email centre, briefcase, Garfield, a US/CAN/NTD/YEN currency converter, and RSS feeds from PC World, mozillaZine, Mozilla.org, NYT Technology, PC Magazine, and NASA. My Yahoo.ca has the email centre, briefcase, word of the day, and my groups. My Yahoo.jp has the email centre, briefcase, dictionary (my default Japanese dictionary of choice, btw, and also included in the dictionarysearch extension for Mozilla and Firefox), avatar (unlike the Yahoo.com one, this one can be shown without Yahoo Messenger), and new site listings from Yahoo.co.jp in various categories including anime, seiyuu, astronomy, geography, game music, and dogs. As you can probably guess, My Yahoo! is pretty much what I use most of the time for Yahoo's service now. The former main email Yahoo.com is still active, but I'm liking it less and less. It's getting slower when loading and the ads are also getting on my nerves.
Gmail's interface... Need I say more? Clean and simple yet beautiful, sleek and smart, lightning fast response, no annoying and distracting graphical ads (and no text ads either now for non-English conversations), super convenient conversation for discussions, powerful search... You get the point. Of course, Gmail is not without its flaws (eg. no quick link to contacts when needing the email address in the compose mode, no support for non-Unicode encoding), but it is also in beta. There is room for improvement but I believe they will do a sound job in fulfilling it.
My verdict? Gmail, obviously. You didn't see that coming, right? XD
Monday, May 16, 2005
Of what, you ask? The mystery of why I've been unable to add or import any data into ArcMap and that it keeps shutting down. 犯人?遠在天邊、近在眼前。Jmode 是也! That's right, that innocent option from the drop-down menu under the Advance tab in the language and regional setting.
Due to the Visual Fortran error message, I kept delaying the assignments and only found out the truth today, right on the last day of the absolute deadline. Of course, I have no excuse that I slacked off for the past three weeks and waited until the last moment to really dig into the problem...orz
Anyway, seeing how I'll be needing to switch between language modes all the time, I put a shortcut on the desktop. Hopefully this would also facilitate and motivate me to switch to Zh-mode once in a while. I'm not even sure if my chars are still there...
On a side note, I asked yuujin-K to buy the magazines for me a few days ago... and I gave her the wrong issue number!! もう一度アニメーシュ四月号入手 OJZ
But today was not a total lost. The service, for one, was great! :) The song about God sitting on the throne and His glory filling the earth had me weeping with awe. He is truly magnificent! ^__^
Of what, you ask? The mystery of why I've been unable to add or import any data into ArcMap and that it keeps shutting down. 犯人?遠在天邊、近在眼前。Jmode 是也! That's right, that innocent option from the drop-down menu under the Advance tab in the language and regional setting.
Due to the Visual Fortran error message, I kept delaying the assignments and only found out the truth today, right on the last day of the absolute deadline. Of course, I have no excuse that I slacked off for the past three weeks and waited until the last moment to really dig into the problem...orz
Anyway, seeing how I'll be needing to switch between language modes all the time, I put a shortcut on the desktop. Hopefully this would also facilitate and motivate me to switch to Zh-mode once in a while. I'm not even sure if my chars are still there...
On a side note, I asked yuujin-K to buy the magazines for me a few days ago... and I gave her the wrong issue number!! もう一度アニメーシュ四月号入手 OJZ
But today was not a total lost. The service, for one, was great! :) The song about God sitting on the throne and His glory filling the earth had me weeping with awe. He is truly magnificent! ^__^
Monday, May 02, 2005
Oh. My. Goodness.
Haven't gotten much new stock in terms of MP3 lately so I decided to listen to shoutcast. The selection doesn't seem all that good so I've been switching stations. I don't know which one am I listening to right now, but the particular track has Chinese dubbing the intro (a guy and a girl talking) and then... the song in Chinese! XD
It's so funny that I have been giggling in front of my monitor and banging the desk... XD
Haven't gotten much new stock in terms of MP3 lately so I decided to listen to shoutcast. The selection doesn't seem all that good so I've been switching stations. I don't know which one am I listening to right now, but the particular track has Chinese dubbing the intro (a guy and a girl talking) and then... the song in Chinese! XD
It's so funny that I have been giggling in front of my monitor and banging the desk... XD
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
It's been too long since I posted anything current (still trying to catch up on the old ones...), so I thought I might as well post some very weird dreams from this morning.
There're three main sections as far as I could remember. The longest section is somewhat related to Soukyuu no Fafner, where the children are sleeping in two rooms. There're two other girls beside Maya in the girl's room and many guys in the boy's room. The two rooms are connected together through a door, and noises from the boy's room could be heard plainly. Just as Maya was about to sleep, Soushi came to lay down between her and the other girls, and Kazuki and another boy came in and squeezed in the bottom half of the huge bed. Nobody said anything, and Maya just spread the blanket over the four of them (the other two girls had their own blankets). The blanket wasn't quite big enough so she had to sleep beside Soushi, who circled one arm around Maya's waist. Both Soushi and Kazuki liked Maya. While in sleep, Maya cried and asked Kazuki to kill her once she transformed into an FF (don't ask). Soushi and Kazuki heard her and could only watch over her sadly in silence.
The next section is me playing an RPG type of game, where my character was sent to another world with a kind of helper character and had to fight some monsters. During the fight, my team increased from two to three (the new addition being a pig type that shot out cannons from its nose) before I knew it, and the helper character would keep coming back to life after it got killed...
The shortest section is me sitting in front of my monitor. Lo and behold, there's Thunderbird 1.0 and Nvu 1.0 (not the preview release) available for download! No, I don't know what had gotten into me...
Anyway, there you have it. My collection of odd dreams part I. XD
There're three main sections as far as I could remember. The longest section is somewhat related to Soukyuu no Fafner, where the children are sleeping in two rooms. There're two other girls beside Maya in the girl's room and many guys in the boy's room. The two rooms are connected together through a door, and noises from the boy's room could be heard plainly. Just as Maya was about to sleep, Soushi came to lay down between her and the other girls, and Kazuki and another boy came in and squeezed in the bottom half of the huge bed. Nobody said anything, and Maya just spread the blanket over the four of them (the other two girls had their own blankets). The blanket wasn't quite big enough so she had to sleep beside Soushi, who circled one arm around Maya's waist. Both Soushi and Kazuki liked Maya. While in sleep, Maya cried and asked Kazuki to kill her once she transformed into an FF (don't ask). Soushi and Kazuki heard her and could only watch over her sadly in silence.
The next section is me playing an RPG type of game, where my character was sent to another world with a kind of helper character and had to fight some monsters. During the fight, my team increased from two to three (the new addition being a pig type that shot out cannons from its nose) before I knew it, and the helper character would keep coming back to life after it got killed...
The shortest section is me sitting in front of my monitor. Lo and behold, there's Thunderbird 1.0 and Nvu 1.0 (not the preview release) available for download! No, I don't know what had gotten into me...
Anyway, there you have it. My collection of odd dreams part I. XD
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
No, I didn't see the whole thing, and I wouldn't want to watch the whole thing anyway. Just happened to catch the last 40 minutes or so after the Unified: Praise DVD, starting from when the mare fell down the river after being shot.
First thing first, that art is so very terrible, if it wasn't about horses, I would had just turned off the TV and left the room. I see myself as a pretty tolerant person when it comes to animation art style (which would explain how I got through Saiyuuki and some of the old anime titles... well, I admit the seiyuu was the only saving point in the case of Saiyuuki for me), but drawing animals this badly is simply not forgivable! Yes, despite my leniency toward poor people art, I have a rather high standard for animals. And that, my friend, is worse than the dogs in the Ginga anime (which says a lot, as the bad art almost stopped me from watching it if it wasn't for the fact that Ginga is one of my all-time favourite manga series).
Art aside, however, it's not half bad. I actually shed tears twice; when the horses in the transportation cart carried some hay over after getting rejected twice, and when the man said goodbye and set the mare free. The second occasion especially reminded me of White Fang, where I also cried when the main character forced White Fang to leave and go back to the wild. But if the cast had been human, I would not have had the same reaction. Yabari, animals still hold a special place in my heart, na?
No, I didn't see the whole thing, and I wouldn't want to watch the whole thing anyway. Just happened to catch the last 40 minutes or so after the Unified: Praise DVD, starting from when the mare fell down the river after being shot.
First thing first, that art is so very terrible, if it wasn't about horses, I would had just turned off the TV and left the room. I see myself as a pretty tolerant person when it comes to animation art style (which would explain how I got through Saiyuuki and some of the old anime titles... well, I admit the seiyuu was the only saving point in the case of Saiyuuki for me), but drawing animals this badly is simply not forgivable! Yes, despite my leniency toward poor people art, I have a rather high standard for animals. And that, my friend, is worse than the dogs in the Ginga anime (which says a lot, as the bad art almost stopped me from watching it if it wasn't for the fact that Ginga is one of my all-time favourite manga series).
Art aside, however, it's not half bad. I actually shed tears twice; when the horses in the transportation cart carried some hay over after getting rejected twice, and when the man said goodbye and set the mare free. The second occasion especially reminded me of White Fang, where I also cried when the main character forced White Fang to leave and go back to the wild. But if the cast had been human, I would not have had the same reaction. Yabari, animals still hold a special place in my heart, na?
Hillsong + delirious? Unified: Praise DVD
This is what being history makers are about. It's not about the songs we sing, but the choices we make.
I was greatly moved seeing thousands of people gathering together to praise and worship God, with one voice and one heart, unified under one God and one Spirit. Both the Hillsong worship team and the d:boys are awesome, but the church is the real thing. Kindred spirit, like-mindedness. 同じ神の家、仲間だから。:)
This is what being history makers are about. It's not about the songs we sing, but the choices we make.
I was greatly moved seeing thousands of people gathering together to praise and worship God, with one voice and one heart, unified under one God and one Spirit. Both the Hillsong worship team and the d:boys are awesome, but the church is the real thing. Kindred spirit, like-mindedness. 同じ神の家、仲間だから。:)
Sunday, February 20, 2005
ニュータイプ二月号入手! Though it was unfortunate that I wasn't able to get ガンダムエース。残念。I've been wanting to read The Edge (and the DESTINY-related in-mag gifts)...
Not all that impressed with the in-mag gifts in this issue. The poster of Char from the Z Gundam movie is good, but the little "heroine guide" is useless to me. Maybe I should ask yuujin-P to buy アニメージュ二月号 as well? DESTINY and Fafner seem to have a feature section there, but I don't want the AIR poster nor the bishoujou CG CD... -__-
Not all that impressed with the in-mag gifts in this issue. The poster of Char from the Z Gundam movie is good, but the little "heroine guide" is useless to me. Maybe I should ask yuujin-P to buy アニメージュ二月号 as well? DESTINY and Fafner seem to have a feature section there, but I don't want the AIR poster nor the bishoujou CG CD... -__-
Monday, February 14, 2005
うあぁ... Even though I made the resolution to start posting everyday, I still forgot. orz
Bought a pot of... some kind of white flowers today for Mum's Valentine. I was going to buy a bouquet as usual, but she seemed happy when her friends gave her an orchid plant for her birthday, so I decided to go with a live plant this time. I wanted to pick up a little cactus at first but they didn't have much of a selection (plus, I doubt she'd be as pleased with it).
Maybe I'll post some pictures of the flowers, if I feel like setting up the digital camera Mum bought quite a long time ago...
Bought a pot of... some kind of white flowers today for Mum's Valentine. I was going to buy a bouquet as usual, but she seemed happy when her friends gave her an orchid plant for her birthday, so I decided to go with a live plant this time. I wanted to pick up a little cactus at first but they didn't have much of a selection (plus, I doubt she'd be as pleased with it).
Maybe I'll post some pictures of the flowers, if I feel like setting up the digital camera Mum bought quite a long time ago...
Thursday, February 10, 2005
I have to admit this really makes it a lot easier to finish the OS (and to make the opening shift pass even faster), but, man, was it really struggling for me to climb out of bed in the morning.
Though as I drove past the intersection after work today, I realised an advantage of working the early shift: I can get my wind shield fixed after work! Finally! I've been worrying it cracking open all the way through the glass all winter. Better make an appointment for next Tuesday. :)
I have to admit this really makes it a lot easier to finish the OS (and to make the opening shift pass even faster), but, man, was it really struggling for me to climb out of bed in the morning.
Though as I drove past the intersection after work today, I realised an advantage of working the early shift: I can get my wind shield fixed after work! Finally! I've been worrying it cracking open all the way through the glass all winter. Better make an appointment for next Tuesday. :)
No, I haven't abandoned Paw Wow, and I have dutifully jotted down notables from each day in my trusty 'little big book.' I kept telling myself that I'll catch up one day and post everything, but the gap between my last post and 'today' only continued to grow.
If I don't write anything now and get back into the habit, I'll never be able to catch up. So here I am.
No, I haven't abandoned Paw Wow, and I have dutifully jotted down notables from each day in my trusty 'little big book.' I kept telling myself that I'll catch up one day and post everything, but the gap between my last post and 'today' only continued to grow.
If I don't write anything now and get back into the habit, I'll never be able to catch up. So here I am.
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