Wednesday, June 30, 2004


我幹嘛不直接回他說我有男朋友就好了啊~~~~_| ̄|O




之前差點因此錯過十二国記、這次差點錯過アルジェント ソーマ。


でも 1-5 話を持っていない、ちょっと残念。

さあて、第 11 話を見えましょうか?^__^

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Got home from work to another login screen and the recover from serious error message. Followed the link on the error message and identified the culprit to be a certain sysdata.xml file. Googled it and found a possible solution. Downloaded a newer version of the driver for my ATI Radeon 9200 video card. Installed the driver and control panel.

If I see the login screen and the error message again, I am so going to kick the computer. -___-###


Monday, June 28, 2004

終於... 遲交的作業 x 2 終於交出去了~(無力)


「除了抓螢幕畫面跟改圖片尺寸以外、少靠近 PhotoShop。」

ありがとう、みんな!Dan や Fan や幻靈や、沒有你們的大力支持、憑我一個人是做不到的!ありがとう!(I feel like 真嗣...)

Saturday, June 26, 2004



加入 DVD 怨念單 wish list!

終於了解為什麼東西料理軍能讓人如此為之痴狂。好羨慕那些吃到的人 XQ
I was just thinking how I haven't encountered the self-restart problem in the past week... _| ̄|O

I really need to get to the bottom of this before it's too late.
Scared me for a bit there with the temporary connection outage. I thought they finally decided to cut it. Not to mention that BT file cost me another 500MB of upload... Ridiculous. -___-

Why did I rarely use BT again? -___-||||

Friday, June 25, 2004

This is bad. This is really bad. According to the graph, we've already downloaded 30G worth of stuff and a little over 2G of upload. According to the numbers in the table, we've standing at 19G for download and 3G for upload. If they go by the first account, we might be toast. If they go by the second account, we're safe. Heard this morning that they're having problem with their server; some ppl have spyware installed on them, some experience slower speed. I am getting a slower speed, but I'm contributing it to the use of BT. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope everything works out for the month.

On a side note, I sold a demo phone but forgot to get the customer to fill out the extended warranty form that comes with the demo sale. *bangs head on table* Hope he doesn't come back with the phone in two years...

Thursday, June 24, 2004

剛剛被十二國記2的遊戲 trailer 煞到﹐害我既 GPM 以後又多了一個無法消除的怨念 -__-

現在我連家裡那台 GameBoy 都找不到了說﹐非逼我用模擬器不可嗎﹖
MyWay is going to do the same thing and upgrade the email to 125MB, huh? Didn't expect them to be affected by the Gmail Effect. XD

I'm almost tempted to check every single email account I've applied for so far so see who else is doing it, but seeing how I haven't logged into some of them for a looooooong time, they've probably deleted my account(s) already. Besides, I can't remember my user name and password for some of them now.
Yup, it's official now. New Type has suffered a brain damage and needs to be formatted.

It shouldn't be too hard to get it into Coordinator and transfer the data out. what to install afterwards. The overly abused copy is out of the question, and I don't suppose it'll let me activate the XP Pro I bought with Coordinator. Plus, I'm kinda weary of XP now. I want 2000 Pro, but that might be an unattainable daydream... -__-

On the other hand, I replugged the cables inside Coordinator on n-san's advice. Hope that'll solve the problem of the unexplainable mystery of self-reboots.

Yeah yeah, I'll get to the assignments. I have to. But that's not for me to worry about for today. I'll do that after I wake up tomorrow.

PS. The computer is noticeably slower when BT is on. This could be problematic in the future...

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

This habit of 'pre-viewing' the episodes after download is really bad, I know. But even with the truncated minutes of viewing, I am often moved to tears. Like that time when Nicol's music sheet fell out from his locker. Like that time when Toboe took the shot for the old man and fell. Like this time when Sango cried after hearing how Kohaku saved the people. This is also why I like these shows so much,
I knew it. I shouldn't have imported the settings so rashly. It took me a failed login on to find out my Firefox is broken. In the end, I had to uninstall and reinstall Firefox and configure everything from scratch, including the extensions. Luckily, it didn't take very long as I had written down the list of extensions before hand.

I'll have to run to a couple of different places to add in the cookie and adblock settings, but otherwise everything is fine now. The lesson for the day? Disable all extensions before uninstalling the old version. I learned it the hard way. -__-

On a side note, Mozilla ported beautifully without any problem. Nice lizard. *pat Mozilla on head* ^__^

Monday, June 21, 2004





Saturday, June 19, 2004

満足、満足!Can you see the slight(?) bulge in my midsection? It's full of food. Yummy food. ^Q^

I couldn't help out with the preparation and the booth tending due to the stupid papers、残念でしだ。ほんとうに、ご苦労さまでしだ、皆さん!楽しかだ。

I'm glad that friend A had a good time. ^__^

Time to get back to the dreaded task. Yeah, I know it'd be much better if I didn't procrastinate and wait until the last minute...

Friday, June 18, 2004

なるほど、orz = O| ̄|_ か?︶_︶

で、我是要查為什麼我的電腦會莫明其妙地自己重開機、怎麼會查出這種東西... orz

果然還是必須在留言版上求救嗎? _| ̄|O (還是覺得'全身版'比較可愛)
Chrno Crusade ep.24

It's obvious from where the plot was going, but I wish they could show more of their last time together. This is, after all, a crusade Chrno goes through before and after meeting Rosette. Comparing from the last episode, this is really anti-climatic. Most of the episode is spend with Reminton's thoughts and pondering, and the foretelling of disasters took up another big chunk, which is a real shame because those took away the focus from the pair. I can't say I am not disappointed, but I did expect it. It's sad, if you ask me, that I've come to expect inferior endings in the anime version of their manga counters.

It is extremely difficult to conclude a series with a good ending. I guess I just want them to go on forever. Parting is always so hard. When watching any show or reading any story, I often find myself eager to know what happens next but dread the moment when the end would come. This, I suppose, is human nature,
Hot. Hot. Hot. Hot... Why is it so stupidly hot today??? And me taking the wrong route didn't help at all. *kick self for not taking the highway instead*

But the trip to S's family condo in downtown was fun. My loot of the day: A Gundam mini-figure collection pack with candies. Of course, the price was a total rip-off (I paid $3.99 where it's marked 150 yen on the package), but I was too tempted. Curiosity kills the puppy. But I am satisfied (I know I am a fool). So, out of the possible 16 different figures, I got a Zaku III! Now, I know nothing about the original Gundam and anything following the UC time line, but I am happy with it. Looks really good. I'll get a snap shot of it when I get a digital camera! ^__^ (which might read: never)

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Gundam SEED ep.26-30.

Even though I haven't touched it for this many months later and already sort of knew what happened, I still couldn't help but be moved by the intensity of the emotions and the torrent of sadness and desperation. Sure, the amount of recycled materials in ep.26, 27, and other short scenes are annoying, but if you ignore this fact and the sometimes almost unbearable art, it is still the same series I fell for when it started airing in 2002. The characters, the interactions, and the plot are what's really keeping me hooked from the very beginning. I really miss the discussion on with fellow fans. I should had saved the posts. T__T

I'm going to borrow the VCD after I finish the fansubs. Then I'll decide whether to buy the DVD or not.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

これはこれは、Yahoo is putting up a counter measure to Gmail, huh? XD

Streamline interface, 100MB of storage space, message up to 10MB. I had to chuckle when I logged in just a minute ago.

さて、I wonder what hotmail is going to do? ^__^+ Or have they already moved? Either case, I wouldn't know and don't really care. Just curious, that's all. XP

PS. Just checked my Yahoo! Japan account. Still 6MB. The 100MB option seems to be for VIP account only on やばり、they're targeting the English users because of Gmail, huh?

Monday, June 14, 2004

I am officially spooked now. The unidentified self-restart problem is starting to get on my nerves, not to mention the temporary 'fix' I did after a little bit of search gives me no virtual memory to launch PhotoShop. I hope this is only a Windows glitch. If it's not... Well, I'm doomed. Hardware problem is the worst kind. And you don't know when it would bite it. -___- *go off to post on the forum for help and possible light*

Sunday, June 13, 2004



京四郎跟狂最後一戰到底是誰留下來呢?I think it's both. This is not only logical (judging from the plot itself), but there are other evidences to support my view. 他叫她ゆや、而且聲音跟口氣介於兩人之間。再者、雖然歷史沒有回到應該的路線﹐但是並沒有很大的差別;1615年的夏之陣從大阪變成了江戶、對手從德川家康變成了德川秀忠、誰會是此陣的贏家呢?

不論如何、SDK 已經正式地佔據一角了。動畫已然如此、漫畫想必更有看頭吧。雖然沒有超級豪華聲優陣容(要比聲優的話、SDK 絕對跟種鋼及十二國記一起排在前五名)、但是更深入的角色描寫跟互動會是漫畫的優勢。翻譯的、翻快點啊~~~
The collab report is submitted! That's one burden off this poor fragile shoulder! ^__^

Of course, we can't forget the 3 TTA's due within the week. But I can finally spend some 'quality' time with New Type (or, rather, trying to fix it) tomorrow after service. Hopefully I'll be able to get it working before the day's over. I really don't want to have to remove the HD and install it as a slave drive under Coordinator in order to get the stuff out so I can format it...

Saturday, June 12, 2004

DVD Wish List:

Wolf's Rain x 10 (region 1 or 3)
Juuni Kokuki x 16 (region 3)
Mugen no Ryvius x 6 (region 1 or 3)

Of course, I want the box for Wolf's Rain and Ryvius.

And yes, I am fully aware of the cost of all those. That's why they are in a wish list and not on my shelf.

I'm getting GunParade March DVD vol.6 on Sunday! That would complete my very first anime series in DVD's! ^__^
Mononoke Hime? That doesn't count as an anime series. It's a movie.

What about New Type and the collab report, you ask? Let's not think about those now. XP
I'll deal with them after tending to my growling stomach.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Things aren't looking up right now. New Type is still in need of some good spanking (or, rather, Windows needs it) after two hours of sweat and frustration. Since it seemed like the same problem as before, I went ahead to try to resolve the problem with the same method... Only to find that the situation is a lot worse than I anticipated.

Stupid me should had try fixing it with the files I left in the tmp folder when I performed the trick last time in October. Did I think of it? Yes, after I overwrote the files with the ones from repair. *kick self in the head* Anyhow, it's just a few more steps for me. Well, little did I know. All Hell broke loose when I got into Windows with the repair setting.

Why is there an error message with one minute countdown to shut down??!!(ノ`Д´)ノ~~┴───┴

I am positive the computer isn't infected with the stupid worm when I restarted it. Though, it did happen once before, but I thought I fixed it 'cause that was the only time it ever occurred. Is it really the worm?? Anyway, once the error window pops up, I'm not able to copy the files from the RP folder, and I'll have to sit through another restart for another chance. It's definitely a race against time.

Surely there were a few times when I succeeded? Of course. The first three times. Did the annoying countdown window pop up afterwards? I don't know. The truth is, I couldn't get into Windows because it told me the evaluation period ended. _| ̄|O

Yes, this happened before as well. I was able to go back to a point where it didn't ask me to activate it. But with the countdown coming out so fast every time, I haven't beaten it yet. And I don't even know if it'll still be there after the restoration... -__-

I am so going to format and reinstall everything!! =___=###

Provided I can get in and get my stuff out first, that is. Keh, I will definitely come out victorious. Just you wait!

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Of course, everything just have to be done on the same day. *sarcastic snort*

What else is in store for today? First off, there's the Windows restoration (who knows how long that'll take?) Then the shipping fee problem and the announcement to be made on 5B2F Web site. Then I'll have to finish and post my actuary section and catch up with the rest. Maybe I'll need to do a bit of incorporation as well, depending on how much is available now. Then there's the discussion tonight.

Thank goodness I don't need to work tomorrow. I've been really deprived of sleep this past week. Though, I'll admit, the fault lies in me mostly.

Now that the rant is over... 負けないわ!行くぞ!
New Type is trapped in an endless waltz of self-reboot. Again. _| ̄|O

bro's experiment with the Chinese input thing did it. I knew I'd have to do quite a bit of cleaning after he left, but I didn't expect this. Although I have no solid evidence that it's really the same problem as the one that occurred ages before, the symptoms seem identical enough. I'll need to dig out the CD and try to go back to another restore point. If I still remember how to do it, that is. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Man, haven't seen a Flash movie this funny in a long time~! Final Fantasy A+ is a definite must see for all FF fans!! XD

And I can post at AnimeX.Com again!! Kudos to LoneWolf and isolation man for making it possible!! ^__^

Bro left for airport an hour and a half ago for Taiwan. Guess he'll be missing in action for the next couple of months to one year. he gets to go back...
哼、搞了半天、原來沒有人知道這次 collab 到底在問什麼、那篇文章也沒人懂、星期天就要交、大丈夫かな?-___-
Calgary lost. >__<

But that's ok. You guys did a good job, fighting all the way there from the 6th place in the western conference. You did it this year, and you can do it again. まだ来年頑張ね、フレームスよ!

Monday, June 07, 2004


The cat vomited on my bed!

The last time he tried to do that, I managed to remove him from the bed and dropped him on the floor in time. Luck was not on my side this morning as I only had less than 2 seconds from the time I woke up to him finishing the deed. But I suppose it could have been worse. At least only the bed sheet and the mattress were affected. Oh, and one claw of my Beany crab. My bed is extremely crowded with sheets and plushies. We survived the event with a minimal damage. For that, I am grateful.

PS. No, I didn't punish the cat. It's not his fault. We haven't been feeding him the hair removal gel for way too long.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

お、あれ星矢の声じゃないのか? Didn't think I'd hear him in 神風怪盗ジャンヌ。^__^


The short list of recognisables by ear:
緒方恵美 (男声)
朴路美 (男声)

Saturday, June 05, 2004

The Last Samurai

The hypes about the film were not overrated. Of course, Tom Cruise's name was what I heard first, but since I'm not really a fan of any star, it could have been anyone. But the theme of samurai was what really caught my attention. Anyhow, I suggested the title without knowing anything about it.

Epic. 壮大。熱い。すごい。感動です。Those are some of the words that come to mind. 侍どか武士どか、よくしりません。けど、この映画お見るあとて、ちょっとわかります。I can understand why L-san said he's definitely buying the DVD. I was almost tempted as well. Maybe I will, a few years down the road. Hero もね。

Friday, June 04, 2004

Another hot day, another fruitless shift. Yup, my very first ESP-less week. I'll probably get a few talks next week, though I seemed to answer most of the objection questions correctly.

I'll also have to be more careful about transfers in the future. Wouldn't wanna get written up,
It's gotta be the with lots of MST... The first thing I did after coming back from the beach was bolt into the bathroom. Even now, my stomach is still very unsettled and is pushing me to go again.

The green tea with jasmine ice cream cone was good though. Not my usual liking of Japanese green tea style, but it's good.

And because of this very upset stomach.... ごめん!I'll be online for sure tomorrow for the group discussion!! >__<

Time to pay another visit to the bathroom...!! X__X

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Man, is it hot!! ^__^;;;;;;;;; (can you see the sweat drops?) The little clock/alarm/thermo thing on my desk says it's 26.8℃, and I'm sure I smelled something burnt when I entered the room...

Ok, I better get at least one ESP tomorrow or I'll stand at zero for the week. That would be very bad, especially considering the others have been selling them and I did have a few opportunities.

ま、そろそろ時間だ。Time to get ready to leave for the beach!! XD I'm not a fan of the sea (No, I'm not hydrophobic. Not yet), but I like the wind.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Gee, that was yet another scare. (I'm getting quite a few of these lately, aren't I?)

This morning when I got up, both PCs were off but the laptop was on. Coordinator was still on when I went to bed around 4am! まさか it's the infamous worm/virus thing that shuts down the computer within so many seconds??

Luckily, bro confirmed that there was a blackout for a split second early this morning, and the laptop was fine because it has a battery. (Of course! Why didn't I think of that? -__-)

Then New Type got that age-old pink blob problem again. That's fine, since there're a couple ways to fix this. Then it gave me a minute before shutting down due to a remote procedure call service thing. According to my search on Google, it's the Blaster worm. That freaked me out. Why did New Type contract the worm now when it was fine when the hype was highest?

Anyway, the pink blob thing came back again when the worm shut down the system so I had to reboot. While I waited, I used Coordinator to look for the patch and told bro about the situation when he dropped by. He then told me that Mum's already using the computer for a while now.


Tuesday, June 01, 2004

This is insane... W32.Spybot.Worm??

I think I got it out now (after some frantic struggle) and am keeping my fingers crossed. How did it get in here in the first place? I'm not using Kazaa or mIRC. Did I get it through Xnews? I shouldn't think so. I'm also having doubts about the anti-virus software. AVG doesn't catch everything, and Norton doesn't update/scan regularly enough.

Somehow I'm having more problems with the legal copy of XP Pro than with the beta copy. If I didn't already have a lot of stuff in here and paid big bucks for it, I'd be very tempted to switch back. -__-
哼... This is what you get for not thinking ahead and changing your mind half way. I had to go through the whole blog (thankfully I had neglected it for a long period of time) and retype all the non-English characters to fit the Unicode encoding now.

So what if I can't remember what I wrote before? I tried as best I could to write something similar from my memory, and I just made something up otherwise. I think I was pretty close anyway...
This is frustrating. I finally decided to try the photo blogging thing and even created a new blog for that. Guess what happened after I installed and logged in with Hello? I kept getting a 500 internal error!! Apparently, I am not the only one. The online help forum is full of people like me. I hope they fix the problem soon! Better yet, add support for Mozilla and Mozilla Firefox! XP

A note on the supper... Why is the 'meat-maru' vegetarian???? (ノ`Д´)ノ~~┴───┴